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недеља, 23. април 2017.

Jamajka, piletina , pirinač i pasulj * Jamaican jerk chicken, rice and peas

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Jamajka, divno ostrvo koje naravno ima svoje specijaltete , sa divnim karibijskim začinima.

Ja sam od jednog kuvara, prijatelja dobila oko 11 teglica začina, koje on sam pravi. pa sam naravno probala prvo one koje nisam imala do sada. Drugi deo recepta ima originalno preveden naziv jamajskog jela mada se u nazivu spominje grašak , ipak se radi o pasulju. Nisam sigurna zašto su izabrali da grašak zovu pasulj.

Ako sledite recept koji sam prenela kao da nemate taj začin gotov, dobićete isti rezultat.


2 Kašike vode
1/2 šolje sirćeta
10 struka mladog luka
4 čena belog usitnjenog luka
2 Kašike suvog timijana
2 Habanero čili. Ja ih nisam imala pa sam koristila sušene crvene čili
2 Kašike ulja
4 kašičice mlevenog najgvirca
4 kašičice djumbira u prahu
4 kašičice cimeta
2 kašičice oraščića
2 kašičice soli
2 kašićice crnog bibera
1 šolja kečapa
2 Kašike smedjeg šećera
3 Kašike soja sosa
1/2 šolje soka od limuna
800 g piletine


U blender stavimo sve začine, dodamo sirće i sve dobro izblendamo

U dublju tepsiju poredjamo piletinu, sipamo na nju sok od limuna
Zatim prelijemo marinadom i dobro utrljamo u meso. Ostavimo nekoliko sati ili preko noći da se meso marinira.

Zatim premestimo u drugu tepsiju sa malo ulja i prelijemo malo marinade , pa pečemo u rerni koju smo predgrejali na 175 stepeni C , oko 50 minuta.

Serviramo uz pirinač i pasulj ( recept je niže). Ovakvu piletinu možete staviti i na BBQ.

Pirinač i pasulj


1/2 šolje krema od kokosa
300 g pirinča
300 g sitnog braon pasulja
2 zelena luka, sitno iseckana
2 Kašike svežeg timijana
1/2 kašičice najgvirca u prahu
2 čena belog usitnjenog luka
1 kašičice mlevenog crnog bibera
1 1/2 kašičica morske soli
1 halapeno čili papričica ili 2 obične čili papričice
1 Kašika smedjeg šećera
700 ml bistre supe


Pasulj potopimo u vodu pa ostavimo nekoliko sati da malo nabubri. Ocedimo

Propržimo luk, dodamo ostale začine , pa pirinač i pasulj, nalijemo bistru supu i krčkamo sve oko 15 minuta. Dobro rastresemo viljuškom, pospemo malo timijana.


Jamaican jerk chicken, rice, and peas

Recently I got 11 jars of spice mixes from around the world. My friend a Chef makes this mixes himself and I was very excited to try some of them that I never used before. Like Jamaican mix. And as every nation, Jamaicans also have their national dishes from which I chose Jamaican jerk chicken and rice and peas. Great blend from Caribian and I hope you will give it a try. 
Not sure why they named rice dish, rice, and peas as they clearly use beans

The recipe is based on the idea that you do not have ready made spice.


    • 2 tablespoons water
    • 1/2 cup malt vinegar
    • 10 green onions, chopped
    • 4 garlic cloves, peeled, chopped
    • 2 tablespoons dried thyme
    • 2 Scotch bonnet chiles or habanero chiles with seeds, chopped
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 4 teaspoons ground allspice
    • 4 teaspoons ground ginger
    • 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
    • 2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
    • 2 teaspoons dark brown sugar
    • 1 cup ketchup
    • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
    • 2pound chicken, halved lengthwise, rinsed, patted dry
    • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice


    1. In a blender, add vinegar and next 12 ingredients and blend until almost smooth. Transfer 2 tablespoons jerk seasoning to small bowl; mix in ketchup and soy sauce to make the sauce. (Jerk seasoning and sauce can be made 1 day ahead; cover separately and refrigerate.)
    2. Arrange chicken in large roasting pan or baking dish. Pour lime juice over; turn to coat. Spoon jerk seasoning over chicken and rub in. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours, turning occasionally. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Keep refrigerated.)
    3. Preheat oven to 350°F or prepare barbecue (medium heat). Remove chicken from jerk seasoning marinade; sprinkle with salt and pepper. If a roasting chicken in the oven, arrange chicken, skin side up, on rimmed baking sheet. Roast until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear when thickest part of thigh is pierced with a fork, about 50 minutes. If grilling chicken, place chicken, skin side down, on grill rack, cover, and grill until chicken is cooked through, turning occasionally and adjusting heat if browning too quickly about 50 minutes.
    4. Cut each chicken half into pieces and serve with sauce.

  1. Rice and peas


  • 12cup coconut cream
  • 2teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
  • 12teaspoon ground allspice
  • 2scallions, finely chopped
  • 12cup  onion, chopped
  • 2minced garlic cloves
  • 1teaspoon black pepper
  • 12teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1scotch bonnet pepper (left whole) or 2 chili peppers
  • 1teaspoon brown sugar
  • 300 g  small brown beans
  • 14cups uncooked long grain rice

Drain and rinse the beans, and heat the oil in a heavy-based saucepan that has a lid. Fry the onion for about 5 minutes, stirring every now and again, letting it soften and brown a little. Then add the chopped chili and garlic, and give everything a good stir around. Now stir in the rice, making sure it is all slicked with oil, then pour in the coconut milk and chicken or vegetable broth and stir in the drained beans. Bring to a bubble, clamp on the lid, and turn down the heat to very low and let it cook gently for 15 minutes.
Check the rice is cooked through and the liquid is all absorbed - give the rice another 5 minutes if it needs it. Sprinkle with the freshly chopped thyme and season with salt if desired, mixing it through.

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