Postoji jedna reklama kako su Novozelandjani postali vlasnici ovih bombona.naravno da nije tako bilo ali kakogod zaista je vrlo ukusna
There is a nice commercial how Newzealanders became owners of pineapple lumps .Of course not true but however we all love them
1 pakovanje biskvita (bilo koje vrsta slatkih tvrdih biskvita)
Stavimo u blender ili ih ručno izmrvimo
Dodamo 120 grama istopljenog putera i promešamo.Odložimo u posudu
Zatim prespemo u okrugli pleh i malo pritisnemo.Ostavimo u frižider
485 g krem sira
3 jaja
200 g putera
Naprstak soli
750 ml slatke pavlake
3 Kašike želatina
300 grama pralina od ananasa
U posudi na šerpi sa vodom koja je provrela, istopimo praline sa 100 ml pavlake.Na vrlo niskoj temperaturi.Mešamo dok ne dobijemo glatku masu
U malo vode rastvorimo želatin i ostavimo da stoji ko 2minuta
Dodamo u smesu sa pralinama i dobro izmešamo
Dodamo krem sir,so ,šećer i jaja i ponovo sve mešamo dok se ne sjedini u glatku masu.
Sipamo smesu sa pralinama i mešamo.
U blenderu izmrvimo oko 40 pralina u poveće komade.
Dodamo ostatak pavlake ,promešamo i sipamo u pleh.
Ostavimo da se stvrdne oko 1 sat.
Sipamo na vrh ganaš i kad se malo stvrdne ukrasimo.
Recept za ganaš sam redovno postavljala.
Biscuit Base
Put 1/2 packet of biscuits with 1/2 pack of ginger nuts into a blender
Crush these in food processor and place in a bowl
Add 120g melted butter .It should consistency when you grab it in your hand it stays together.
Put in a spring-form and press it lightly.Refrigerate.
485 g cream cheese
3 eggs
200 g butter
Pinch of salt
750 ml cream
3 TBS gelatine
300 g pineapple lumps
In double boiler or pot over boiling water melt pineapple lumps and 100 ml of cream on the lowest heat
Stir occasionally. It.It takes little time so be patient
Dissolve gelatine in little water and let stand for 2 minutes.Add to pineapple lumps mixture and mix well.
Place cream cheese,sugar,salt and eggs in food processor and blend till smooth.
Pour in gelatine,pineapple lump mixture and blend well
Put now 20 pineapple lumps and blend in lumps,not too fine.Add to the mixture
Pour in cream and mix for about 1 minute.
Pour into the tin with biscuit base.Leave to set for 1 hour.
Pour ganache on top and ..done!
Attaching also a recipe for ganache which is more in quantity that you need.I mostly freeze leftover for later use.
Chocolate Ganache
750 g dark high cocoa solids (70% ) chocolate
500 ml cream
Heat cream on high in microwave for 2 minutes
Add chocolate pieces and whisk till smooth.Cool
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