
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

среда, 17. август 2016.

Krem čorba sa bundevom,batatom i kokos kremom* Cream soup with pumpkin,kumara and coconut cream

Scroll down for Recipe in English

U ovo doba godine najviše spremamo ovakve kremaste čorbe. Jedemo ih uz parče domaćeg hleba i sasvim su dovoljne za lep ručak.


1 kg bundeve
2 šargarepe
2 veća batata
1 l bistre supe
1 l vode
1 crveni iseckani luk
2 čena iseckanog belog luka
150 ml kokosovog krema
so i biber po ukusu
1 Kašika peršuna, iseckanog
1/2 Kašike djumbira u prahu


Bundevu ispečemo u rerni
Prodinstamo crni i beli luk, dodamo oljušten batat i šargarepu.
Dodamo, peršun, so i biber i djumbir

Dolijemo bistru supu i vodu i krčkamo na niskoj temperaturi oko 20 minuta.uspemo kokosov krem

U blenderu izmiksamo. Pri služenju dodamo kokosov krem.


Cream soup,pumpkin, kumara ,coconut cream

This time of the year , during colder days we love this type of thick creamy nice aromatic soups. 
With a nice homemade bread it is a great lunch.


1 kg pumpkin
2 big sweet potatoes
2 carrots
1 red onion
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 TBSP of ground ginger
salt and pepper to  taste
1 TBS chopped parsley
150 ml coconut cream
1 l clear stock
1 l water


First roast pumpkin
While its roasting saute onion and garlic couple of minutes
Add peeled and cut sweet potato, carrots and clear stock and water
 Season with pepper and salt , add ginger and parsley.
When pumpkin is done peel and cut in chunks
Add to the soup
Let it boil up for few minutes
Add to blender and blend to smooth
Before serving add coconut cream

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