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Sugar and spice and all things without price

среда, 25. мај 2016.

Punjena pogača Ruža * Filled Rose shaped bread

Odkad sam pravila moju prvu pogaču , osmelila sam se da je opet napravim. I ne samo to, nego su me i ukućani pitali , kad ću opet. Naravno opet po baka Jeleninom isprobanom receptu. Ovoga puta sa filom od fete bila je još ukusnija.


800 gr brašna 

malo ulja 

1/2 praška za pecivo

 200 g sira 

1 kašika šećera

 200 ml. mleka 

1 jogurt

1 kocka kvasca



5 jaja


 sir izdrobiti viljuškom i dodati jaje i lepo izjednačiti


Kvasac rastopiti u malo mleka sa šećerom dodati 3 jaja izmutiti žicom malo, ostatak mleka i 

polovinu brašna umutiti dodati još brašna i so pa zamesiti srednje tvrdo testo. Pokriti ga 

folijom i ostaviti na toplom da naraste oko 30 min.

 Razviti testo na radnoj površini debljine 

prsta pa izvaditi tri okrugle  krofne. Svaku premazati uljem staviti jednu preko druge i raseći

 uzduž i popreko, tako da sredina ostane nesečena. Oblikovati cvet i 

cvet staviti na sredinu podmazanog okruglog pleha. 

Zatim vaditi po jednu okruglu krofnicu

 zaseči  u obliku krsta ali ne i sredinu puniti filom i uvijati u ružu i redjati oko cveta u 

sreddini dok se ne popuni pleh.

 Namazati žumancetom posuti susamom i pustiti da naraste 

oko 20 min. Peći na 180 stepeni C 40 

Ako vam ostane testa stavite ga u plastičnu kesu .Ostavite mesta na vrhu jer če testo 

narasti. Čuvajte u frižideru nekoliko dana. Od ovog testa  možte praviti pizzu, razne slatke i

 slane kiflice ili hleb.

Rose shaped filled Bread

Now that I have made my first bread following recipe from my Granny Jelena, I 

felt more confident to try again. And also my people asked when am I going to 

make it again. This time I added filling of feta cheese and it was amazing


800 g flour

1 TBSP oil

1 tsp baking powder

1 TBSP sugar

200 ml unsweetened yoghurt

20 g fresh yeast

1 TBS course sea salt

1 TBS black sesame seeds

5 eggs

200 ml milk

200 g feta cheese


Prepare filling , by crushing feta cheese with a fork. Add 1 egg and mix it in

Crumble the yeast add 1 TBS of sugar and half of luke warm milk. Stand for 5 minutes till

 dissolved and bubbly

Put 3 eggs into the bowl add yeast mixture and whisk. Add remaining milk and yoghurt and

 pinch of salt. Start adding flour and mixing. Best with your hands. When the dough, which 

should be medium hard, has come together, wrap the bowl with cling film and leave to rise

 for about 30 minutes in dry space

Roll the dough about 4 cm thick and take even pieces out with the glass top. Oil 3 pieces put them together 

and cut  like on the picture. Than make a rose from it , by putting dough up from under and

overlapping each other. Put in the middle of your round baking tray. We have previously

oiled the tray.

From the remaining dough cut more pieces. Cut each piece in 4  again leaving space in the

 middle. Put dollop of feta filling in the middle and pull up cut pieces overlapping to form a 

rose. Repeat till the baking tray is full

Brush with egg wash and sprinkle course sea salt an black sesame seeds on top.

Bake on 180 degrees C for about 40 minutes

If you have leftover dough just put it in a plastic bag, leaving some space on top as it will 

rise again. 

Can be kept in the fridge for a week . You can use it for pizza dough sweet or savory filled 

bread rolls .

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