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недеља, 24. април 2016.

Sladoled sa avokadom i kondenzovanim mlekom * Avocado and condensed milk Ice cream

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ovaj recept sam u potpunosti preuzela sa bloga , koji pratim dugo godina. Mnoge recepte sam pravila po Zokinim receptima i uvek su mi uspeli. Ona je greškom koristila dulche de leche, mada i to je dobra varijanta jer se dodatno dobije ukus karamela.
Sladoled je i izvan očekivanja ukusan i prosto neverovatno kako bez mašine za sladoled lako za napraviti.
Originalan recept možete pogledati OVDE


250 g avokada
300 ml kondenzovanog mleka ( ja kupim gotovo, a za domaće sledi recept)
2 kašike soka od limuna
prstohvat morske soli
450 ml slatke pavlake


Pleh, veličine 22cm X 8cm staviti u frižider da se dobro ohladi, najmanje pola sata pre nego što počnete da pravite sladoled.

U multipraktik staviti  kondenzovano mleko,prstohvat soli, sok od limuna i kockice avokada i sve samleti u kremastu masu.

Umutiti slatku pavlaku i polovinu umešati vrlo nežno sa spatulom, dodati tu masu u preostalu umućenu slatku pavlaku i ponovo umešati sa spatulom.

Sipati tako pripremljenu masu u ohlađeni kalup, poravnjati, pokriti sa providnom folijom i ostaviti u zamrzivač, najmanje 4 sata,najbolje, preko noći.

Kondenzovano mleko


Kondenzovano mleko (instant varijanta)

Šolja mleka u prahu
2/3 šolje šećera
3 kašike putera, na sobnoj temperaturi
Malo ekstrakta vanile
1/3 šolje ključale vode
Sve sastojke stavite u blender i miksajte dok ne dobijete željenu gustinu, oko 1-2 minuta. Ako vam je mleko previše gusto dodajte još vrele vode, pa mutite još malo.

Avocado and Condensed milk Ice cream
I copied this recipe from the blog of my dear friend Zoki , that I follow for many years. I have made lot of her recipes and they always succeed. She by accident bought dulche de leche, I used condensed milk. However can imagine if you use Dulche de leche it will be even tastier.
Could not believe how easy it was to make without Ice Cream machine and the result was amazing tasty Ice cream.

If you want to see original Recipe you can see it HERE
For the ones that can not buy ready made condensed milk I added quick version of home made.

250 g avocado
300 ml condensed milk
2 TBS of lemon juice
450 ml sweet cream
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla essence

First chill the dish you are gonna use to freeze the Ice cream in , for at least half an hour
In blender put peeled avocado pieces, lemon juice , condensed milk, and pinch of salt. Blend till you get smooth mixture

Separately whip sweet cream. 
Carefully , first add half crema to avocado mixture and slowly mix in.
Add the rest of cream and mix in again.žPut in your dish cover with plastic foil and chill for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Home made condensed milk

1 cup milk powder
2/3 cups sugar
3 TBS butter, room temperature
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp vanilla essence


Put everything in blender and mix till you get desired thickness. If it is too thick add little bit water

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