
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 28. март 2016.

Jabuka Ružice*Apple Roses

Scroll down for English text

Ovo je jedan od onih recepta na koji naidjete , pa vam se jako dopadne. Zapišete ga da ga što pre napravite i on tako čeka svoj red medju ostalim kolegama, strpljivo i u nadi da će jednoga dana biti primećen. E danas sam ga primetila i odmah napravila.

Zaista je lako, a tako lepo izgleda. 
Sasvim brzo se napravi i treba samo malo strpljenja da se jabuke tanko i ravnomerno iseku na kriške.
Vrlo je ukusan, a meni su i inače svi kolači sa jabukom ukusni. Izgleda dekorativno pa ga slobodno možete poslužiti i gostima.


2 veće ili 3 manje crvene jabuke  (ja sam koristila Pcific Rose jel te imam u bašti , vi možete i red delicious
3 Kašike džema od kajsija
1 filo kora 
pola limuna (sok)
3 kašičice cimeta (ko voli)
Malo šečera u prahu za posipanje


Jabuke presečemo na pola i očistimo koštice
Zasećemo ravno sa obe strane
Sada sečemo tanke kriške
U činiju sa hladnom vodom, sipali smo sok od pola limuna i tu sad stavljamo sečene kriške jabuke.

Stavimo u mikrotalasnu 3 minuta
Zatim jabuke ocedimo i ostavimo sa strane
Zagrejemo 3 Kašike džema oko 1 minut u mikrotalasnoj

Filo koru malo istanjimo pa isečemo na 6 do 8 delova
Svaku koru premažemo džemom pa počnemo da redjamo jabuke (vidi sliku)
Kad smo naredjali pospemo cimetom ako želite, preklopimo odozdo do malo više od polovine i urolamo, pažljivo

U namašćen mafinarnik stavljamo naše ružice

Pečemo na 185 stepeni C, 40 minuta.

Proverite da vam je kad vam se jabuka čini pečena i testo gotovo
Ako nije stavite žicu na najdonji deo rerne , pecite još 10 minuta

Apple Roses

This is one of the recipes that you see, like very much and write it down to make it . So the recipe sit there between the crowd of other recipes , patiently waiting and hoping to be used one day

Well that day was today.
I spotted it and made it
It is really easy and looks very decorative
It is also very tasty, but than I love all sweets with apples.
Only thing is that you have to be patient making thin slices of the apple


2 big or 3 medium red apples. I used Pacific Rose , but red delicious are ok too.
1 sheet of filo pastry
3 TBS of appricot jam
3 tsp of cinammon
1/2 lemon (juice)
Icing sugar for dusting


Cut apples in halve
Peel and core
Cut the ends a little bit , flat
Start slicing thin slices and putting them into a bowl with lemon juice. 
When all are sliced , microwave for approx 3 minutes . Drain and let cool

Warm up jam

Prepare your filo pastry , by cutting it in 6 to 8 strips approx 10cm wide
Put a little jam on each pastry sheet
Arrange apples as on the picture
Fold pastry, a bit more than half over the apples
Before if you like you can sprinkle some cinnamon

Roll pastry and close properly on ends
Put in maffin tray
Bake 40 minutes at 185 dDegrees C
If your apple si done, check that pastry has bake denough.
If not put your muffin tray on the bottom of your stove and bake another 10 minutes

Sprinkle some icing sugar on top before serving

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