субота, 1. јул 2017.

Piletina, karamelizovan luk i kardamom pirinač* Chicken with caramelized onion and Cardamom Rice

Stroll down for Recipe in English
Ko voli Otolangijeve recepte , prepoznaće i ovaj. Može se naći u njegovoj knjizi Jersusalem. Njegovi recepti su često oni koje kad vidite pomislite da je nemoguće spojiti te sastojke i dobiti nešto ukusno. Ja sam se već posle prvog njegovog recepta koji sam pravila uverila u suprotno. Ovo je eksplozija ukusa.


3 kašičice šećera
3 Kašike vode
2 1/2 Kašike suvog groždja
4 Kašike maslinovog ulja
2 luka, isečena na tanke kolutove
1 celo pile isečeno na komade ili oko 1 kg pilećeg mesa
10 komada zelenog kardamoma
1/4  kašičice karanfilića
1 Kašika cimeta
1 2/3 šolje basmati pirinča
2 1/4 šolje vrele vode
1 1/2 Kašika iseckanog peršuna
1/2 Kašike iseckane mirodjije
1/4  šolje iseckanog korijandera
so i sveže mleven crni biber


Suvo groždje stavimo u vodu da malo odstoji
Zagrejemo 2 Kašike maslinovog ulja i sipamo isečen luk. Na niskoj temperaturi, dinstamo 10 do 15 minuta dok se luk karamelizuje. Povremeno promešamo. Izvadimo i ostavimo u činijici.
Umešamo so biber, 2 kašike maslinovog ulja, kardamom , cimet i karanfilić.
U većem tiganju zagrejemo ulje pa dodamo piletinu i mešavinu začina.Pržimo meso sa svake strane oko 5 minuta dok lepo porumeni. Izvadimo meso i ostavimo sa strane.
Uspemo karamelizovan luk i pirinač i sve promešamo. Posolimo i pobiberimo. Dodamo ocedjeno suvo groždje i šečer. Dodamo vruću vodu i piletinu. Prespemo u tepsiju, Pokrijemo srebrnom folijom i pećemo na 200 stepeni oko 30 minuta

Poklopimo i na niskoj temperaturi  kuvamo oko 30 minuta. Izvadimo iz rernesa , odklopimo pa stavimo kuhinjsku krpu i ponovo poklopimo. Ostavimo d astoji oko10 minuta
Dodamo mirodjiju i korijander i ako je potrebno dosolimo i dobiberimo. Viljuškom rastresemo pirinač. Serviramo vruće ili toplo

Chicken with caramelized onion and cardamom rice

Who loves Ottolenghi will recognize this Recipe from his cookbook Jerusalem.
Bold spices and herbs, unusual combinations will tantalize your taste buds.


3 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of water
2 1/2 tablespoons currants
4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 onions, thinly sliced
1 whole chicken, quartered, or 2 1/4 pounds of chicken pieces
10 green cardamom pods
rounded 1/4 teaspoon of whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks (or 2 long, broken in half)
1 2/3 cup of basmati rice
2 1/4 cups of boiling water
1 1/2 tablespoons of flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped
1/2 cup of dill, finely chopped
1/4 cup of cilantro finely chopped
kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Soak currents in little water
2. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a sauté pan. Add the onion and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it is golden and caramelized. Transfer onion to a small bowl.
3. Combine the chicken with salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, cardamom pods, cloves, and cinnamon. Mix everything together with your hands.
4. Heat a large dutch oven over medium-high. Add the chicken, along with the spices, to the pot and cook for 5 minutes on each side. You want it to get golden, and for the skin to crisp up a bit. Use a pair of tongs to remove the chicken from the pot and set aside.
5. Add the rice, caramelized onion, salt, and pepper to the Dutch oven. Stir until the rice is coated in the oil/leftover chicken fat. Drain the currants and add them to the pot. Stir and then re-add the chicken to the pot, tucking it into the rice.

6. Add the boiling water, cover, and dial down the heat to low. Continue cooking, over very low heat, for 30 minutes.
7. After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, take off the lid and place a tea towel over the pot. Replace the lid and let sit for 10 minutes.
8. Stir in the herbs and use a fork to fluff the rice. Season with more salt and pepper, if desired. Transfer to a serving bowl. Enjoy this dish hot or warm.

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