четвртак, 6. јул 2017.

Mutabak * Mutabbaq

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Svi pravimo slične pite. Ova dolazi iz Izraela po ideji iz Otolangijeve knjige Jerusalem. Veoma ukusno.


130 g neslanog putera
14 tankih kora za pitu (filo)
500 g rikote
250 g maskarpone
100 g mlevenih badema


90 ml vode
280 g sitnog šećera
3 Kašike soka od limuna
3 oljuštene i isparčane mandarine


Naredjamo sedam kora , premazujući svaku puterom
Pripremimo fil od maskarpone, rikote. Na sedmu koru prvo sipamo izmleven badem, pa uspemo fil
Naredjamo sedam kora na vrh i svaku premažemo puterom.

Dok se pita peče napravimo sirup. Uspemo vodu pa dodamo šećeri limunov sok. Kad prokuva odamo oljuštene i isparčane madarine i smanjomo temperaturu. Kuvamo oko 5 minuta.

Pečemo na 220 stepeni 25 minuta.
Na još vruću pitu.  sipamo sirup sa mandarinama. Služimo vruće ili toplo.


Filo pastry is used all over the world . This recipe comes from Israel and can be found in Ottolenghi cookbook Jerusalem. Very tasty.


130g unsalted butter, melted
14 sheets of filo pastry, 31cm x 39cm
500g ricotta
250g mascarpone
100 g crushed almonds


90ml water
280g caster sugar
3 tbsp lemon juice
4 segmented mandarins


Put 7 filo sheets in baking dish, spreading melted butter over each sheet. Sprinkle crushed almond over the top

Prepare filling mixing mascarpone and ricotta and pour into baking dish. Cover with remaining filo pastry , brushing each with melted butter.

Bake at 220 Degrees C for 25 minutes.
While pastry is baking prepare syrup by putting sugarinto water and adding lemon juice. Bring to the boil add segmented madarins and lower the heat. Cook for 5 minutes

When pastry is ready pour the syrup on a hot dish.

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