понедељак, 20. март 2017.

Mejadra, Otolengi recept ,sočivo, pirinač i luk* Otolenghi lentils,rice and onions

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Imala sam knjigu recepata Otolengija, već izvesno vreme , a sad sam se posle nekog njegovog jela koji sam probala kod drugarice, odlučila da i isprobam neke recepte. Slažem se uglavnom sa njegovim stavom da je povrće nepravedno gurnuto u priloge i da se većinom smatra kao dosadno za spremanje. 

Ovo se naravno dosta promenilo sa popularnošću vegeterijanske kuhinje. Iako nisam vegeterijanac volim neke stavri koje se spremaju sa povrćem i budu glavno jelo.

Ovo naprimer je toliko jednostavno da će vas ukus na kraju ipak jako iznenaditi


1 1/4 šolje sočiva
700 g  crnog luka ( ja sam koristila crveni)
3 Kašike ulja
3 Kašike brašna
250 ml ( 1 šolja) ulja
2 kačičice kima ( cumin) u zrnu
1 1/2 kašičica korijandera u zrnu
 200 g basmati pirinča (1 šolja)
2 Kašike maslinovog ulja
1/2 kašičice kurkume
1 1/2 kašičica najgvirca
1 1/2 kašičica cimeta
1 kašičica šećera
350 ml vode ( 1 1/2 šolja)
so i sveže mleven crni biber



Isečemo luk na listove srednje debljine. Pospemo brašnom.
U dubljoj šerpici zagrejemo ulje i ispečemo luk. Na srednjoj temperaturi , razdelimo na manje količine da ne bi smo pretrpali pa kuvali luk umesto da ga pržimo.


Kuvamo u slanoj vodi oko 15 minuta. Ja vodu kad ocedim sočivo ne bacim, nego koristim kad kuvam pirinač


U maslinovo ulje stavimo zrna korijandera i kima , pa propržimo nekoliko minuta na srednjoj temperaturi. Dodamo pirinač i promešamo.
Dodamo sočivo, ostale začine , so i biber i vodu i kuvamo.
Prvo pustimo da provri, pa zatim smanjomo tempearuturu, poklopimo i kuvamo 10 do 12 minuta, dok se sva tečnost ne upije

Pre serviranja umešamo 2 /3 crnog prženog luka pa serviramo , posipajući malo crnog luka i ako želite svežeg korijandera.

Možete poslužiti i sa malom zelenom salatom



I have Ottolenghi's cookbook for some time, but it was not till I ate one of his dishes at a friends place, that I decided to try some recipes.

I agree with him on the subject of injustice that is done to vegetables, mostly considered as a boring side dish. Lucky this view changed somewhat with the popularity of vegetarian food but still not widely enough. I am not vegetarian although I do strive to make surečy once and sometimes 2 times a week meatless day

And the following recipe in all its simplicity will surprise you in how tasty it is


  • 1 1/4 cups/250 g green or brown lentils
  • 4 medium onions (1 1/2 lb/700 g before peeling)
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • about 1 cup/250 ml sunflower oil
  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons coriander seeds
  • 1 cup/200 g basmati rice
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground allspice
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups/350 ml water
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Heat the sunflower oil in a medium-sized heavy-based saucepan. When very hot,
     carefully add a third of the sliced onion. Fry for five to seven minutes,
    stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon until the onion takes on a nice,
     golden-brown color and turns crispy. Use the spoon to transfer the onion to
     a colander and sprinkle with salt. Repeat with two more batches of onion.

    Meanwhile, put the lentils in a small saucepan, cover with plenty of water, bring to
    a boil and cook for 12-15 minutes, or until the lentils have softened but still
    have a little bite. Drain into a colander.

    Wipe clean the saucepan in which you fried the onion and drop in the cumin and coriander

     seeds. Place over a medium heat and toast the seeds for a minute or two, until they release
     those distinctive aromas. Add the rice, olive oil, turmeric, allspice, cinnamon, sugar,
     half a teaspoon of salt and plenty of black pepper. Stir to coat the rice with oil, then 
    add the cooked lentils and water. Bring to a boil, 

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