недеља, 19. март 2017.

Baskijski zagoreo Čizkejk * Basque Burnt Cheesecake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ozbijno nas uhvati panika kad nam zagori nešto. E ovde treba da vas uhvati ako ne zagori.
Baskijski kolač , čiji recept ima kafić   La Vina u San Sebastijanu, u
 kome ga je probala jedna novinarka, nisu hteli da joj daju recept, ipak je provaljen, pa sad možemo i mi bez brige napraviti Baskijski zagoreo Čizkejk. 
Interesantno je da kada je zamolila da joj kažu bar koji sir su koristili, vlasnik je promprljao: ilidelija.
Verovatno neki lokalni proizvodjač koji ga snabdeva, pomislila je  i zamolila je da joj napišu ime.
Zaprepastila se kad su napisali: Filadelfia

 Ako ste još skeptićni onda vam mogu reći da ja nisam više ali tek pošto sam ga napravila.
Možda ću sledeći put samo malo manje puta da otvaram rernu i mašem glavom. 

Člzkejk je fantastičan.


1 kg krem sira ( ja sam koristila Filadelfiju)
1 3/4  šolje sitnog šećera
7 celih jaja
2 šolje punomasne pavlake
1/4 šolje brašna


Predgrejemo rernu na 220 stepeni C

Okruglu tepsiju prečnika 23 cm , sa dnom koje se vadi, prekrijemo pek papirom tako da papir bude iznad tepsije oko 5 cm

Sa mikserom umutimo krem sir i šečer dok dobijemo finu glatku smesu.

Dodajemo jaja , jedno po jedno dok se i ona ne sjedine sa smesom. S vremena na vreme spatulom skidamo smesu sa zidova činije

Kao poslednje umešamo brašno.

Sipamo u pleh i pečemo 50 do 60 minuta u sredini rerne , dok vrh ne dobije bađ tamnu boju ( kao da je zagoreo). Čizkejk će biti čvrst.

Ostavite da se potpuno ohladi u plehu.

Basque Burnt Cheesecake

Mostly we panic when we get burned cake. Here we should panic if it does not burn. True? Yes, true. Traveling journalist ate this cake in a Cafe in Spain and they refused to give her Recipe. She turned to her friends, enthusiastic bakers and they got the Recipe.

The funniest detail was when she asked the owner from the Cafe which cheese they use, he said:  iladelia. Oh, she thought that must be from a local producer that makes that especially for them. She asked waiter to write that down for her and he wrote: Filadelfia :)

Maybe next time I would not open the oven door this often and nod my head in disbelief.
It is a fantastic cake, give it a try. Burn a cake once in your life without fear:)

1 kg Philadelphia cream cheese
1  3/4 c castor sugar
7 whole eggs
2 c double cream or heavy whipping cream
1/4 c flour


Preheat oven to 425 F. Grease a 23cm spring-form pan and line with parchment paper, making sure the paper comes at least three inches above the top of the pan.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream together the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add the eggs one at a time, making sure to scrape the sides of the bowl a few times. Pour in the double cream and mix until incorporated. Fold in the flour with a rubber spatula.
Pour batter into the prepared pan and place into the center of the oven. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until the top is deeply golden
andthe center barely jiggles.

Let cool completely before removing the sides of the pan.

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