недеља, 5. фебруар 2017.

Slatko od kore lubenice * Watermelon skin confiture

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Pravili smo Granitu od lubenice i naravno koru nismo bacili, već napravili lepo slatko od nje. Sad ću zvati neke kivi drugarice da aprobaju jer mi se nešto čudno smejulje kad im kažem da planiram to da pravim.


1 srednja lubenica oko 2 kg(kora)
300 g šećera
1 limun, sok


Ranijih godina sam koru ljuštila, prvo zeleni deo pa onda sve što se još crvenelo. Medjutim ove godine sam probala da ostavim ono što je bilo posle sečenja lubenice i tako oćistim samo zeleni deo. Ostalo iseckamo na komade , dodamo limun i šečer. Mešamo na srednjoj temperaturi oko sat vremena. Mogu vam reći da se meni ovako još više dopada ukus slatka.

Sterilizujemo teglu i sipamo. Dobro zatvorimo.


Watermelon skin confiture

Few days ago we made Granita from watermelon. Of course, we will not discard the skin in rubbish. It makes the most divine confiture that you must try. I also plan to invite some of my kiwi friends for tasting as they were sceptical when I mentioned I plan to make it.
Previous years I would always peel the green part of the skin and keep only white part. This year I tried to leave what was left of watermelon flesh after we cut it off and peel only green part.. And I quite like the final result


1 watermelon ca. 2 kg
300 g sugar
1 lemon


Prepare watermelon skin as described above. Cut in small pieces.  Add sugar and cut up lemon. Boli on medium  approx 1 hour

Sterilise your jar and pour it in. close lid tight

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