субота, 4. фебруар 2017.

Gambori Laksa *Prawn Laksa

Scroll down for Recipe in English
 Jedno lako, aromatično i veoma ukusno jelo, koje vodi poreklo iz Malezije. Umesto gambora možete ga praviti i sa pilećim mesom ili bez mesa.


2 Kašike ulja
1 čen usitnjenog belog luka
1 mlad zeleni luk, iseckan
2 kašičice izrendanog djumbira
1 crvena čili papričica, bez semenki, usitnjena
1/2 limuna, sok
100 g gambora
165 ml kokosovog krema ili mleka
100 ml bistre supe
400 ml vode
so i biber po ukusu
100 g rezanaca
mali rukohvat iseckanog korijandera


Zagrejemo wok ili veći tiganj sa malo ulja, pa ubacimo luk, beli i zeleni, djumbir i čili. Dinstamo 3 do 4 minuta, pa uspemo sok od limuna.

Dodamo bistru supu i gambore, Krčkamo oko 5 minuta dok gambore dobiju narandžastu boju.

Skuvamo rezance, ocedimo i dodamo u wok. Dodamo kokosovo mleko. Promešamo.
Pospemo seckanim korijanderom


Prawn Laksa

An easy, aromatic and tasty dish, originates from Malaysia. Instead of prawns,  you can use chicken meat or only vegetables.


  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 spring onion , finely chopped
  • 2 tsp finely chopped fresh root ginger
  • 1 red chilli , deseeded and finely chopped
  • juice from ½ lemon
  • 100g raw prawns , any size
  • 165ml can coconut milk
  • 100ml chicken or vegetable stock
  • 100g dried egg noodles
  • chopped coriander, to serve
  • 400 ml  water
  • salt and pepper, to taste


Heat the oil in a large pan or wok. When hot, throw in the garlic, spring onion, ginger and red chilli. Cook on a medium heat for 3-4 mins, then squeeze in your lemon juice.

Add stock. add prawns. Simmer gently for 5 mins on a low heat until the prawns are pink.

Meanwhile, cook your egg noodles in a pan of boiling water for 4 mins until soft. Drain, then tip into the laksa pan. Add coconut milk. Season to taste, then serve in a bowl, topped with coriander.

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