субота, 7. јануар 2017.

Punjeni patlidžan, paprika i paradajz* Filled eggplant, peppers and tomato

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Svi volimo punjene paprike, tikvice, patlidžane, paradajz i....
I mi ih volimo i često napravim ovako zajedno. Iako je fil isti za sve ipak je ukus drugačiji u svakom povrću.
Najviše volimo uz domaći hleb i jogurt


2 patlidžana, mala
2 paprike babure, crvene
2 paradajza srednje veličine
malo naseckanog peršuna
1 šolja paradajz pirea
1 Kašika suvog začina
malo aleve paprike
1 crni iseckan luk
2 čena iseckanog belog luka
150 g kuvanog pirinča
300 g govedjeg mlevenog mesa


Izdinstamo crni i beli luk, dodamo mleveno meso, pa propržimo. Dodamo kuvani pirinač i začine.Promešamo.

Očistimo povrće. Odsečemo vrh, pa papriku očistimo od semenki, a patlidžan i paradajz izdubimo.
Punimo pa redjamo u pleh. Polijemo paradajz pireom.

Pečemo na 220 stepeni C , oko 20 minuta , dok se lepo ne zapeče.


Filled eggplant, peppers and tomato

We all love filled peppers, zucchini, tomato, eggplant and...
I often make all of the mentioned together and although the filling is the same for all, the taste is different per vegetable.
We love it with homemade bread and yogurt on the side.


2 red bell peppers
2 small eggplants
2 middle sized tomatoes
chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup tomato puree
1 onion chopped
2 cloves of crushed garlic
150 g of cooked rice
300 g of beef mince


Saute onion and garlic till soft. Add mince and fry a few minutes. Add cooked rice, mix.
Clean vegetables. Cut the top off and scoop the flesh out of eggplant and tomato. Remove seeds from pepper. Fill all vegetables and arrange in baking pan. Put the tops on again. Pour tomato puree over it and bake at  220 Degrees C, for approx 20 minutes.

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