четвртак, 5. јануар 2017.

Cvekla Velington*Beet Wellington with balsamic reduction

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Nije greška u pisanju. Mnogi znate za Govedinu Velington. Ovoga puta sam pravila Velington za jednog gosta koji je vegeterijanac. Znaći punjen Velington sa cveklom. 
Mogu vam reći da se i meni jako dopalo.


1/2 šolje kuvanog iseckanog kestena
4 cvekle, po mogućstvu iste veličine (srednje)
1 veći crveni luk, sitno iseckan
4 čena belog luka, sitno iseckanog
maslinovo ulje
250 g pečurki, sitno iseckanih
so i biber
1 jaje
3 kašičice ruzmarina
1/4 šolje belog vina
1 kora za pite, ja sam koristila gotovu
gruba morska so , susam ili mak za dekorisanje

Balzamik sos

120 ml balzamik sirćeta
1/3 šolje šećera


Oljuštimo cveklu, malo nauljamo i utrljamo ruzmarinom, solju i biberom
Pečemo na 200 stepeni C oko 25 minuta
Izvadimo da s eohladi
U medjuvremenu spremimo fil, kojim će cvekla biti obložena
Prvo izdinstamo crveni luk i pečurke, padodamo iseckan kuvan kesten i vino. Krčkamo dok se vino ne ispari
Na drvenoj dasci stavimo plastičnu foliju pa koru na nju.

Sada na sredinu kore , ostavljajući dovoljno prostora sa svake strane, uzduž sipamo pečurke.
Na to naredjamo cvekle jednu iza druge bez prostora izmedju njih.
Krajeve kore namažemo umućenim jajetom. Zatvorimo koru , čvrsto

 Koristeći iplastičnu foliju, urolamo je u nju što čvršće možemo, zatvorimo strane.
Premažemo Cveklu Velington ostatkom umućenog jajeta , pa oštrim nožem zasecamo vrh u tankim linijama
Ostavimo u frižideru oko 20 minuta.

Pečemo oko 20 minuta na 200 stepeni C , dok kora lepo ne porumeni

Služimo uz Sos od balzamika

Sipamo balzamik sirće i šečer  u šerpicu i na niskoj temperaturi, povremeno mešajući , ostavimo da se reducira na oko polovinu početne količine

Beet Welllington with balsamic reduction

No, it is not a typo. This is not a Beef, but Beet Wellington. I made it for a guest, who was vegetarian. I have to admit, I liked it very much too.


  • 4 medium-large (the same size) beetroots
  • 1/2 cup cooked crushed chestnuts
  • olive oil
  • 1 big red onion, finely diced
  • 4 garlic cloves, finely diced
  • 250 g of mushrooms.diced
  • salt and pepper
  • 3 tsp dried rosemary
  • ¼ cup white wine
  • 1 egg
  • 1 sheet frozen  puff pastry, defrosted
  • coarse sea salt (, poppy or sesame seeds, to decorate)
Balsamic Reduction
  • 120 ml / 1 cup balsamic vinegar
  •  1/ 3 cup sugar 


Peel beetroot and season with some oil, garlic and rosemary.
Bake in the oven at 200 Degrees C about 25 minutes. Let it cool

In the meantime prepare  a coating
Saute mushrooms and red onion, add wine and cooked crushed chestnuts. Simmer till wine has evaporated.

Put your pastry sheet on a wooden board lined with plastic foil.

Put the coating in the middle, lengthwise, leaving enough space on all sides
Put the beetroot on the coating tightly behind each other.

Brush all sides with egg wash and close.
Cut the top with a sharp knife in lines.

Now roll in plastic foil as tight as you can. Also on the side.
Put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes, to firm up. Remove plastic foil, brush with remaining egg wash and sprinkle with seeds u use.

Bake on 200 Degrees C, 20 minutes, till the pastry is nice golden color.

Serve with Balsamic Reduction

Put balsamic vinegar and sugar in a pot and let it simmer,
till it reduces and thickens to about half of the quantity you started with.
Be aware not to reduce too much as the sauce will further thicken as it cools.

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