среда, 9. новембар 2016.

Keralan Riblji Kari * Keralan Fish Curry

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Keralan je provincija u Južnoj Indiji i očigledno ovaj kari vodi poreklo iz nje.
Najbitnije kod ovog karija je ne prekuvati ribu. 
Kombinacija začina je jednostavno fantatsična
Uz ovaj kari najbolje je poslužiti neki od Indijskih hlebova, parata, čapati,doza i slično i pirinač.


1 1/4 kg fileta  ribe
1 kašika ulja
2 Kašike kurkume
2 crvena luka, sečena na kriške
2 crvene čili papričice
Komad djumbira oko 4 cm .
Prstohvat mlevenog kima
400 ml kokosovog mleka
1 l bistre riblje supe
1 Kašika tamarinda ( Indijska urma)


Isečemo ribu na veće komade , posolimo i pospemo kurkumom ( 1 Kašika).

Zagrejemo ulje pa uspemo kriške luka, malo posolimo i dinstamo oko 5 minuta

Isečemo čili papričice  i ako ne volite preljuto odstranite semenke. Dodamo u luk.  Očistimo djumbir i isečemo na tanke štrafte. Dodamo u tiganj, pa dodamo i ostatak kurkume i kim. Promešamo i dinstamo nekoliko minuta

U posebnoj činiji promešamo kokosovo mleko, tamarind i bistru rublju supu.

Uspemo u tiganj. Krčkamo nekoliko minuta
Ribu dodamo oko 5 minuta pre serviranja na umerenoj vatri i pazimo da se ne raspadne


Keralan Fish Curry

This is South Indian curry, which is made with firm white fish. It is important not to to overcook fish
It can be served with rice and any flat Indian bread, like Parrata,  Dosa, Chapatta or alike


  • 1¼ kilograms firm white fish
  • salt
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 medium onions (halved and cut into fine half moons)
  • 2 long red chillies
  • 4 centimetres piece of fresh root ginger
  • 1 pinch of ground cumin
  • 1 x 400 millilitres tin coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon tamarind (or 2 tablespoons concentrated)
  • 1l fish stock 


  1. Cut the fish into big pieces, put them into a large bowl, and rub with a little salt and 1 teaspoon turmeric. Heat the oil in a large, shallow pan and peel and tip in your fine half-moons of onion; sprinkle them with a little salt to stop them browning and then cook, stirring, until they've softened; this should take scarcely 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the whole, unseeded chillies into thin slices across (although if you really don't want this at all hot, you can deseed and then just chop them) and then toss them into the pan of softened onions. Peel the ginger and slice it, then cut the slices into straw-like strips and add them too, along with the remaining teaspoon of turmeric and the cumin. Fry them with the onions for a few minutes.
  3. Pour the tin of coconut milk into a measuring jug and add a tablespoon of tamarind paste and the fish stock , using boiling water from the kettle to bring the liquid up to the litre mark. Pour it into the pan, stirring it in to make the delicate curry sauce. Taste and add more tamarind paste if you want to. And actually you can do all this hours in advance if this helps.
  4. When you are absolutely ready to eat, add the fish to the hot sauce and heat for a couple of minute until it's cooked through but still tender.

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