субота, 22. октобар 2016.

Šumadijski Svadbarski kupus _ Wedding Cabbage

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Naravno da ovo jelo možete praviti i u drugim prilikama. Kao što mu ime kaže priprema se često na svadbama..
Pre neku nedelju dobila sam nekoliko lepih Srpskih kuvara i polako biram, šta da iz njih napravim. Naravno prvo je na red došao kupus, moje najomiljenije povrće.


1.5 kg kupusa
150g svinjskog mesa
150g telećeg mesa
150 g jagnjećeg mesa
(mogu i suva rebra)
5 glavica crnog luka
1 dcl ulja
5 gr bibera u zrnu
3 lista lorbera
aleva paprika


Luk iseći na rebarca i propržiti.Dodati alevu papriku i skloniti sa ringle.
Kupus očistiti i iseći na krupne komade
U zemljanom ili drugom loncu redjati red kupusa, red prženog luka,malo bibera,red mesa, red slanine, sve dok ne potrošimo sve sastojke.
Poslednji red da bude kupus.
Preliti vodom da ogrezne,staviti lorber, posoliti i pritisnuti sa tanjirom,
Staviti na jaku teperaturu da provri, a potom smanjiti na najnižu temperaturu da krčka 3 do 4 sata.


Wedding Cabbage

This is a dish that is prepared on the weddings in Serbia. It does not mean you could not make it on other days.

I got a Serbian Cookbook ( well more of them) , last week and slowly working my way trough it.
Of course as the first dish I chose cabbage as this is my favorite  vegetable.


1.5 kg cabbage
150 g pork meat
150 g veal meat
150 g lamb meat
150 g smoked ribs or bacon)
5 onions
1 dcl oil
5 gr peppercorns
3 bay leafs
Ground paprika


Slice the onion , fry shortly till translucent .Remove from stove add paprika and mix
Clean the cabbage and cut in big chunks.
In Earth ware or similar deep vessel, put first cabbage, than onion than meat.
 Proceed till all ingredients are used.Last layer to be cabbage. Between layers add salt, peppercorns and bay leaf.

Fill up with water and let it come to a boil.After that let it simmer for some hours  3 to 4.

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