недеља, 23. октобар 2016.

Magični kolač * Magic Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Kada sam na Blogu, kod koleginice Jo , videla ovaj recept, tj prvo pročitala sastojke , prvo sam se zapitala šta je sa takvim sastojcima moguće da bude magično u ovom kolaču. No znajući Jo i njene recepte, bila sam sigurna da ima nešto što se na prvi pogled ne vidi i zašto je ovaj kolač, nosioc takvog imena.

I naravno da sam dobro razmišljala. 
Jel kad napravite ovaj kolač, sa krajnjim rezultatom tek onda vidite, da ste ustvari dobili kolač sa tri sloja bez da pečete kore posebno i filujete. Jedini savet koji vam mogu dati je da kad budete umešali šne, ne napravite sasvim glatku masu da testo, koje me u mnogome podseća , a ima i slične sastojke, na Francuske crepe, one tanke palačinke, ne bude gusto.Šne će isplivati na površinu , sredina če biti kao puding i imaćete koricu na dnu. A zašto ime magični?
Ako mene pitate, zato što je sva tajna u tome da ga ne pojedete odjednom!

Kod Jo na blogu, za koji sam gore dala link, možete pogledati i kratak video, da se uverite koliko je ovo jednostavno , a kad napravite i koliko je ukusno.

Ovaj kolač je veoma popularan i ako sam dobro razumela njegovo poreklo, nekada se pravio redovno u domaćinstvima i zvao se: Nemoguć kolač.
Eto magija se ponovila i vredi je napraviti.


4 jaja (odvojena žumanca i belanca), na sobnoj temperaturi
1 kašičica vanila ekstrakta
150 g šećera
125 g neslanog otopljenog putera
115 g brašna
500 ml mlakog mleka
šećer u prahu za posipanje


Predgrejemo rernu na 160 stepeni C.
Obložimo okrugli pleh, sa dnom koje se vadi pek pairom i namastimo
Umutimo žumanca i šećer u vazdušastu masu.
Dodamo vanilu i  puter i spojimo , pa polako usipamo mleko i sve dobro izmutimo
Dodamo prosejano brašno
Dobićemo retko testo.

Posebno umutimo čvrst šne, koji zatim pažljivo spojimo sa testom ali ne da bude glatko.

Sipamo u pleh i pečemo oko 50 minuta.

Ostavimo da se ohladi najmanje 5 sati ili još bolje preko noći u frižideru.
Pre služenja, pospemo šećerom u prahu.


Magic Cake

When I saw this recipe on a Blog, of my colleague Jo,  ie first read the ingredients, I first asked myself what could possibly with such ingredients be magic in this cake. But knowing Jo and her recipes there must be something something that at first glance  I , and why I do not see why this cake is the bearer of this name.

And of course I was right! 
When you make this cake, then you see that you actually get a cake with three layers without having to bake the crust and make special filling
The only advice I can give you is, that when you mix in stiff egg whites,do not make very smooth mass, which reminds me in many ways, and has similar ingredients to the French crepe, those thin pancakes Egg whites being light, will come to the surface, middle will be like custard and you will have a crust on the bottom. And why the name  magic?
If you ask me because  all secret is that you do not eat it all at once

When  visiting Jo on the blog, for which  I gave the link  above, you can watch a short video to make sure how much this is easy, and believe me also very tasty

This cake is very popular and if I understand its origin sometimes made regularly by the households and was called: Impossible cake.

That magic is repeated and it is worth creating it.
  • 4 eggs (separate yolks from whites) at room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150 g (3/4 cup) sugar
  • 125 g (1 stick or ½ cup) unsalted butter, melted
  • 115 g (4 oz or ¾ cup) of all purpose flour
  • 500 ml (2 cups) milk lukewarm *
  • powdered sugar for dusting cake


  1. Preheat oven to 325 F degrees. Grease a 8 inch x 8 inch baking dish or line it with parchment paper so that it's easier to get the cake out.
  2. Separate the eggs and beat the egg yolks with the sugar until light and fluffy. Add butter and vanilla extract and continue beating for another minute or two after which you can add the flour and mix it in until fully incorporated.
  3. Slowly start adding the milk and beat until everything is well mixed together.
  4. Add the egg whites to a mixer and mix until stiff peaks form.
  5. Add the egg whites to the cake batter and gently fold them in. Another variation to folding in the egg whites would be to whisk them in to the cake batter, this is a lot faster and easier. Make sure you don't fold the egg whites in completely, you still want to see some of the white bits floating at the top.
  6. Pour batter into baking dish and bake for 40 to 70 minutes or until the top is lightly golden. The baking time could vary greatly depending on the oven, so take a peek at around 40 minutes and see how it looks.
  7. Sprinkle some powdered sugar after cake has cooled.

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