
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

петак, 1. јул 2016.

Puter keksići * Shortbread

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Nema mnogo šta da se vidi na slikama ali morate mi verovati na reč. Ovi keksiči su tako prhki da se tope u ustima. I mogu se čuvati u zatvorenom kontejneru jako dugo. 


250 g omekšanog putera
1 šolja šećera u prahu
1 šolja gustina
2 šolje brašna


Predgrejemo rernu na 130 stepeni C

Umutimo šečer i puter, penasto

Dodamo brašno i gustin, pa napravimo testo , a  od testa rolnu.

Zamotamo u pek papir pa ostavimo u frižideru 10 minuta

Izvadimo pa selčemo prilično jednake komade oko 5 cm debljine

Pečemo  oko 10 minuta .Keksići će biti beli ali čvrsti. Ostavimo da se ohlade.



There is not much to see on pictures, but you gotta believe me this cookies are so nice, they melt in your mouth. And you can keep them in air tight container for a long time

250g butter, softened
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup Edmonds Fielder’s cornflour
2 cups Edmonds standard flour


  • Preheat the oven to 130ºC. Line two baking trays with baking paper. 
  • 2. Cream the butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy. Sift the cornflour and flour together and add to the creamed mixture. 
  • 3. Turn onto a floured surface and knead well, pushing the mixture with your hands until it forms a smooth dough.
    Shaping – two versions:
    • Form the dough into a log, wrap in greaseproof paper and chill for 10 minutes. Then cut into 5mm thick biscuits. Place on the prepared trays and prick with a fork. Bake for about 30 minutes or until pale golden.

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