Usoljen limun je prisutan u mnogim jelima u arapskim zemljama.Vrlo je ukusan kao dodatak kuskusu i pirinču.Dodaje se i uz pečeno meso i ribu,piletinu.
Može se reći da se koristi kod svih jela gde bi ste inače dodali so i limun.
Mali rukohvat korijandera
Zrna bibera
sok od jednog linuna
Morska krupna so
U činiji izmešamo sve sastojke.Rasečemo limun na 4 kriške ali ne sečemo do kraja.Taman toliko da se
rascveta.Natrljamo smesu u kriške i spakujemo limun u teglu.Što manje praznog prostora, limun će u tegli izgledati lepše.Limun se može koristiti mesec dana posle ostavljanja.A inače bez problema može stajati do dve godine.
Coriander,small bunch
Bay Leaf
Sea salt
In a bowl mix the spices into the sea salt. Cut a cross into the lemons -- almost to the base, but so that the quarters stay together. Push the seasoned salt into the lemon segments and pack the lemons as tightly as possible into an airtight jar. The less space there is between the lemons the more attractive it will look and you won't need to use so much salt. The lemons will be ready after one month of preserving, and will last for about 2 years.
Uses: For seasoning rice and couscous -- it works like salt and makes the rice and couscous lemon scented Put chicken/fish into a foil bag and bake with the lemon salt Use to season stews and soups
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Interesantan recept, jednostavan za pripremu i ne bi bilo loše da ovo spremim, pa nek se nađe...
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