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Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 1. новембар 2016.

Stroganof * Beef Stroganoff

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Poreklo i istorija Stroganof jela potiće još iz 19 veka. Iako u vreme svoje slave ,  ruski recept nije bio nov ali je bio veoma popularan u porodici  Grofa Pavlea Stroganof, koja je često organizovala gozbe.
Pavel Stroganof je  bio poznata ličnost na dvoru Aleksandra III, član Imperjalne Akademije Umetnosti i poznat gurman.

U svakom slučaju jelo Stroganof nije njegova ili kreacija njegovog kuvara, jer se recept prvi put pojavio u Molokhovetovom  Kuvaru, izdanju koje je objavljeno 1872 godine, u vremenu kada Stroganof nije bio još poznati gurman.


750 g govedine, isečene na komade
800 g pečurki isečenih na kriške
2 crna luka, srednje veličine
1 čen belog luka , sitno iseckanog
1/4 šolje putera
1 šolja kisele pavlake
1/4 šolje brašna
1 1/2 kašičica brašna
1 1/2 šolja bistre govedje supe


Isečemo meso.
Izdinstamo na srednjoj temperaturi, crni i beli luk, pečurke, u puteru, dok luk ne omekša
Izvadimo pa u istom tiganju pećemo meso, koje smo malo pobrašnali. Sipamo 1 šolju bistre supe i posolimo.
Pustimo prvo da provri , pa smanjimo tempereaturu i krčkamo oko 15 minuta.
Dodamo preostalu 1/2 šolje govedhje bistre supe, mešavinu pečurki i luka pa sve dobro promešamo i dinstamo nekoliko minuta.
Uspemo kiselu pavlaku i ostavimo samo da se ugreje.

Serviramo sa krompir pireom ili testeninom


Beef Stroganoff

The origin and history of Beef Stroganoff dates backs to 19th century. Although not a new recipe, at that time but a refined version of an even older Russian recipe, it had probably been in the family of Count Pavel Stroganoff's for some years and had become well known through his love of entertaining. Count Pavel Stroganoff was a celebrity, a dignitary at the court of Alexander III, a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts, and a known gourmet. Given Beef Stroganoff's history, it is doubtful that Beef Stroganoff was his or his chef's invention since the recipe was included in the 1871 edition of the Molokhovets cookbook, which clearly pre-dates his fame as a gourmet.


1 1/2
pounds beef sirloin steak,
ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced (2 1/2 cups)
medium onions, thinly sliced
garlic clove, finely chopped
cup butter 
1 1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup flour
1 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup beef broth

  • Create
  • Cut beef across grain into about 1 1/2x1/2-inch strips.
  • Cook mushrooms, onions and garlic in butter in 10-inch skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until onions are tender; remove from skillet. Cook beef in same skillet until brown. Stir in 1 cup of the broth, the salt. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 15 minutes.

  • Stir remaining 1/2 cup broth into flour; stir into beef mixture. Add onion mixture; heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Stir in sour cream; heat until hot (do not boil). Serve over mashed potato.

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