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Sugar and spice and all things without price

субота, 9. јул 2016.

Panakota sa borovnicom, žele od malina * Panna Cotta with blueberries, raspberry Jelly

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Opet da ponovim , pankota je desert koji je vrlo lako napraviti , a u isto vreme izgleda kao da ste uložili mnogo truda. I ne samo izgleda prelepo, nego mu je i ukus fantastičan. Ima je u raznim kombinacijama i ja sam na blogu već postavljala mnoge. Ovaj sa borovnicom ima kao dodatak i đele koji je takodje vrlo lako napraviti. Ja koristim Greggs Instant žele , koji ima svakojakih ukusa, vrlo lep prirodan ukus. Oba deserta moraju odstojati u frižideru preko noći, pa ih zato često pravim kad dolaze gosti.



150 g pirea od borovnice
500 ml slatke pavlake
150 ml punomasnog mleka
3 g zelatina  ) rastvaramo u hladnoj vodi ) ili 3 kašičice želatina u prahu


1 pakovanje instant Želea sa ukusom maline



Sveže ili smrznute borovnice u blenderu izblendamo dok dobijemo pire.
U šerpu stavimo pavlaku, mleko i šečer i samo pustimo da dodje do vrenja i sklonimo sa šporeta
Umutimo omekšali želatin i dobro sve mešamo dok se želatin potpuno sjedini sa ostatkom sastojaka.

Sipamo pire od borovnice , dobro promešamo pa sipamo u posudice u kojima će se hladiti
Kada se malo ohladilo stavimo preko noći u frižider.
Ako ih vadite na tanjir stavite samo vrlo kratko dno pod vruću vodu, tako ćete panakotu lakše izvaditi

Žele spremimo prema uputstvu na pakovanju , a to je da dodamo samo vruću vodu i izmešamo dok se žele istopi


Panna Cotta , blueberries and Raspberry Jelly

This is one of the deserts that looks like you have had a lot of work making it,  but ought to be one of the quickest deserts, Not only is it quick to make ita is light creamy and tastes very good. I made here  Raspberry Jelly as well which also as you probably know is work of 5 minutes.

As both deserts go in the fridge overnight, this is ideal for your dinner party to make ahead and do not worry about it.


Blueberry Panna Cotta:

  • 150g blueberry puree
  • 500 ml cream, about 200 g od blueberries
  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 TBSP castor sugar
  • 3g gelatin leaves(soaked in cold water till soften) or 3 tsp gelatine powder

1.Process fresh /frozen blueberries into puree.

2.In a pot: Bring cream, milk and sugar to just boil. Once sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat.
3.Fold in soften gelatin, stir to combine. Add Blueberry sauce

4.Pour the mixture into  dishes you will serve from

If you wish o take it out on the plate, before put the dish for very short time under hot water, what will help to get it out of the dish

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