
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

четвртак, 18. фебруар 2016.

Pileći Ramen -Chicken Ramen

Japanci obožavaju jela sa kašike (iako većinom koriste  štapiće)
Poznati su po tome da vole jednosttavnu hranu  koja je zbog kombinacicje začina koje koriste vrlo ukusna. I što je najvažnije brzo se sprema!

Japanese are known to love their food with  spoon or shall I say with  sticks..They are known to love clear food and it is combination of spices  that makes the taste so great.And the main thing is, it is quickly prepared!


1 Kašika Sake (japansko pirinčano vino)
1 kašičica soje
1 Kašika susam ulja
1 čen belog luka
1 čili papričica
1/2 šolje crnog luka ,iseckanog
1/2 kašičice zrna susama
1 šolja isečenog bambusa (najbolje kupiti konzerviran)
1/2 l bistre pileće supe
1/2 kačičice bele miso paste
4 mala mlada luka
1pakovanje Ramen rezanaca (naravno rezance možete napraviti i sami,ja volim da koristim Sobu tamne rezance)
1 jaje
250 g pilećeg mesa,(možete koristiti i svinjsko)
Ukiseljen djumbir  (opcionalno)


1 tablespoon of Sake
1 teaspoon of Soy
1 tablespoon of Sesame Oil
Garlic Salt to your liking
1 Chilli pepper
Half onion,chopped
1/2 teaspoon of Sesame Seed
Sliced Bamboo Shoots cut into thin strips,
1/2 l chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon of White Miso Paste
4 small Green/Spring Onion
1 packet Ramen Noodles (I used Sobu noodles)
1 Egg
250 g  of sliced cooked chicken breast (you can use pork  as well)
Pickled Ginger (Optional)


1. Stavimo jaje da se kuva
2. Iseckamo zeleni luk,pa zeleni deo ostavimo sa strane a beli stavimo u duboku činiju. 
3. Sad u činiju dodamo začine  i sve promešajte.
4.Dodamo meso i isečen bambus
5. Zagrejemo u tiganju ulje od susama.Propržimo meso,dodamo miso pastu i bistru supu. i ostavimo da proključa

6. Propržimo luk sipamo Sake,Mirin i Soja sos dok voda još ključa
7. Prema uputstvu skuvamo rezance.Dodamo u supu i kuvamo još tri ,minuta
8.Sklonimo sa šporeta
9.Sada dodamo garniš,zeleni luk,perpolovljeno skuvano jaje,djumbir 


1. Put your egg on, to boil
2. While your egg is boiling prep the first things you will need to fry which will be your Spring onions. Take 4 and clean them up and wash them. Dice them up and put the white ends in your  bowl and the green ends aside for decor later on.
3. Add in your spices,  give it a rough mix around
4.  Use a fork and shred up some chicken,  and add it into the bowl and put your bamboo shoots . Stir roughly.
By the time you finish this your egg should be done, tip it out and put it aside in some cold water.
5.Heat sesame oil in the pan
6. While its heating get 500 ml of chicken stock in a measuring cup, get your miso . Set aside.
7.  Throw in your Chicken, spice and onion mix and fry until fragrant, this does not take long.
8. Add chicken stock and miso paste and  bring it to the boil.
9. Add in the Sake, and Soy while the water is boiling.

10. Boil your noodles and add to the rest.Another  couple of minutes and take off the stove.

11. Once your noodles are cooked transfer them to your  bowl for decorating.
12. Peel your egg and cut it in half and use a fork to place it in, followed by your piece of meat, cut smaller to fit.
13. Add   green onions to garnish. I like to add my ginger here.

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