
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

недеља, 14. фебруар 2016.

Kolač od šljiva i jabuka * Plum and apple cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Imam jedno drvo jabuke u bašti, koje rodi sasvim pristojno. Male neugledne jabuke, koje su jako kisele, pa ih ne jedemo.To ne znači da ih ne koristimo za mnoge recepte pa evo i ovde za ovaj.Dodali smo i šljive zato što su i one predugo čekale da budu pojedene pa takodje spadaju u kategoriiju , udji u kolače.


Za testo

500 g brašna
250 g putera
100 g šečera u prahu, prosejanog
1 limun, rendana korica
2 umućena jaja
malo mleka

Čak i ako niste nikad mesili slatko testo samo se pridržavajte toka u pripremi i videćete kako je lako. Najbitnije da sve radite brzo, da se puter od vaših toplih ruku ne istopi. Ovo testo je pogodno baš za kolače kao što je ovaj. Ako ne volite limun u testu možete staviti i rendanu koricu pomorandže ili npr cimet.


Prosejte brašno na radnu površinu
Rukama spajajte kocke putera i btašna dok dobijete mrvičasto testo, Ovo je trenutak kad dodajete koru limuna ili šta  sami želite.
Dodamo jaja i malo mleka i pažljivo sve umesimo u testo. Uobličimo u loptu i zavijemo u plastičnu foliju. Ostavimo u friižider najmanje pola sata.

Voćni Fil

1 kg oljuštenih jabuka , isečenih na sitnije komade
200 g šljiva, izvadjena koštica
1 kašičica cimeta
malo rendanog oraščića
1/4 kašičice kardamoma
1/2 šolje smedjeg šećera
Umešamo sve sastojke i ostavmo da stoje , dok testo nije spremno

Predgrejemo rernu na 200 stepeni C i pecite 15 minuta

Kad izvadimo testo iz frižidera , ako vam je prečvrsto ostavite ga da malo stoji na sobnoj temperaturi. Oklagijom na pobrašnjaloj radnoj površini ga razvučemo i prekrijemo okruglu namašćenu tepsiju  razmera 23 cm, kojoj se vadi dno

 Polako pritisnemo testo u tepsiju, pa uspemo  voćni fil. Vrh prekrijte viškom testa ili mrvicama ako želite i stavite nekoliko kašičica putera na vrh, Ja to radim zato što pospem i malo smedjeg šećera i stavim malo putera, pa dobijem lepu karamelizaciju.

Kad je kolač pečen, ostavimo ga u tepsiji da se malo ohladi pa ga izvadimo na žicu gde se treba potpuno ohladiti. Pospemo sa malo šečera u prahu

Plum and apple Cake

We have this old apple tree in the garden It fruits with abundance , every year, Fruit is small, sour and nothing like an eating piece.
However as tried , very good in baking. I added plums from fruit basket as they were screaming that they will rotten if we do not use them..

If zou never made short sweet pastry , you will be surprised how easy it is. Just make sure to have your ingredients ready and work quickly so that your  warm hands do not melt the butter.


For the dough

500 gr flour
250 g butter
100 g of powdered sugar, sifted
1 lemon, grated zest
2 beaten eggs
some milk


Sift the flour on a work surface
With your hands mix the cubes of butter and flour till you have crumbly dough This is the moment when you add lemon peel or whatever you like, orange zest or cinnamon

Add the eggs and a little milk and carefully mix into the dough. Shape into a ball and cover in  plastic foil. Leave in the friidge at least half an hour.

While waiting for dough to chill. prepare Fruit filling

You will need

500g apples, peeled and cored, cut in a small pieces,
200 g plums, pit removed.
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
little grated nutmeg
1/2 cup of brown sugar
Mix everything and cover

Let  the bowl stand for a while

When the dough is ready.roll it out on floured work bench. If it is still hard when you get it out, let it stand a bit on room temperature.
 Cover  oiled 23 cm  springform on all sides.

Pour your filling in  and cover with rest of the dough or make crumbs and cover with crumbs. I also sprinke some brown sugar on top and few pieces of butter for nice caramelisation.

Bake for 15 minutes

When done, let it stand till cool and take out of the springform on a wire rack to cool completely
Sprinkle with some sifted icing sugar.

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