четвртак, 20. септембар 2018.

Peceno svinjsko, mini praziluk i gnječen krompir* Pork Roast, baby leeks and smashed potatoes

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Obicno nedeljom ovde pravimo neku vrstu pečenja. Ovoga puta na red je došla svinjetina. Mislim po praznim tanjirima posle ručka da je bilo ukusno.


1 parce svinjetine 1,5 do 2 kg
2 Kasike svinjske masti
1 Kasika ulja
1 iseckan crni luk
3 cena iseckanog belog luka
2 sargarepe
grancica celera
1kg maldog krompira
300 g mini praziluka
so i biber
300 ml bistre pilece supe
zacinnsko  bilje: timijan, ruzmarin,kadulja
sok od 1/2 limuna

Beli sos
2 Kasike brasna
2 Kasike putera i
1 solja mleka


Svinjetinu posolimo i pobiberimo
Iseckamo sve povrce , koje stavimo na dno tepsije.
Na to stavimo svinjetinu i na to zacinske biljke
Dodamo mast i ulje i pecemo na 200 stepeni oko 80 minuta. U medjuvremenu zalivamo bistrom pilecom supom

Dodamo krompir, koji smo prethodno ( ako je mlad neoljusten) kuvali oko 15 minuta i pecemo sve , zalivajuci sa sokovima iz tepsije povremeno, jos oko 30 minuta. Samo kad dodamo krompir , viljuskom ga prignjecimo i smanjimo temperaturu na 160 stepeni Celzija.

Dok se sve pece, u malo ulja dodamo opran mini praziluk, malo posolimo i dodamo sok od pola limuna i dinstamo oko 10 minuta na niskoj temperaturi

Pripremi beli sos

istopima puter, pa dodamo brasno i mesajuci proprzimo nekoliko minuta.
Uspemo mleko i mesamo dok se sos ne zgusne.

Kada je svinjetina ispecena, izvadimo je i ostavimo oko 10 minuta da odmori. Izvadimo i krompir

Sipamo tecnost i povrce iz tepsije u cediljku i ocedjeno ostavilo da malo stoji, pri cemu ce mast isplivati na povrsinu a ostace samo sos. mast ne bacim vec odvojim, jer se u njoj jako lepo isprze jaja, krompir i sl.

Vratimo ispeceno povrce u ostatak sosa pa mikserom isitnimo. To nam je ujedno jedan vrlo ukusan sos uz pecenje


Pork Roast,baby leeks and smashed potatoes

Sundays are mostly reserved for a nice roast dinner. This time I chose pork. With all side dishes and according to the empty plates at the end of dinner, it was very tasty


1,5 to 2kg pork loin roast
1 kg of potatoes
2 carrots
1 onion
300 g of mini leeks
3 cloves of garlic
1 celery stick
300 ml of chicken stock
salt and pepper
herbs: thyme, rosemary and sage
juice of half lemon

White sauce

2 TBS of flour
2 TBS of butter
1 cup of milk


Rub salt and pepper on the pork roast
Cut all the vegetables and put in the baking pan with 2 TBS of pork fat and 2 TBS of oil. Put pork roast on the top, arrange herbs on top and pour some of the chicken stock in the pan

Bake on 240 Degrees Celsius for 80 minutes. Pour from time to time chicken stock over it.
Then put in the potatoes that you boiled( with skin if those are young potatoes) for 15 minutes. Smash them with the fork. Bake for another 30 minutes on 160 Degrees Celsius.

While the pork is baking braise leeks in some butter and lemon juice for about 10 minutes

Prepare white sauce by melting butter and adding flour, constantly mixing. After a couple of minutes add milk and stir till it thickens. Pour over braised leeks

Take the pork out and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

Pour the vegetable and liquid from the baking pan through the sieve. Let the liquid stand for a couple of minutes and fat will float to the top. The rest will be base for a delicious sauce. Take pork fat out and return vegetable to the liquid. I do save the pork fat as it is great to fry eggs and potatoes in it.

Return some of the vegetables in the sauce and blend it to smooth shiny sauce.

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