среда, 18. април 2018.

Lasanja sa mesom i povrćem * Meat and Vegetable Lasagna

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Lasanju kod mene svi vole, nema veze koliko puta i kakvu napravim. Lasanja je naročito za decu koja ne vole bas povrće idealna da se svašta nešto u nju sakrije. Bitno je da ima sos od paradajza i mnogo sira.

Mogu vam reći da kod ove lasanje skoro da nije potrebno meso!


1 pakovanje kora za lasanju
1 kg blitve
300 g govedjeg mlevenog mesa
2 čena belog luka
1 Kašika  suvog začina
500 ml sosa od paradajza
3 Kašike rendane mocarele
50 g pinjola

Bešamel sos

300 ml mleka
20 g putera
3 Kašike brašna

 U malo putera propržimo iseckan beli luk, Uspemo opranu blitvu i  pola kašike suvog začina, prodinstamo, zatim ocedimo.
Ispržimo mleveno meso.

Napravimo bešamel sos tako što istopimo puter pa uspemo brašno i propržimo. Uspemo mleko i mešamo dok se ne zgusne. Sipamo pola kašike suvog začina.

Sada slažemo lasanju. na dno uspemo malo paradajz i na to prvi red kora za lasanju. Na to stavimo ocedjenu blitvu i propržene pinjole.

Zatim opet red kora, pa sos od paradajza meso i mocarelu 1 kašiku.

Zatim red kora i to sve pospemo bešamel sosom i ostatkom mocarele.

Pečemo na 200 stepeni C oko 20 minuta dok  lasanja ne porumeni


Vegetable Lasagna

Lasagna is perfect dish for kids that  do not like vegetables or some of them. It serves as a good hider. As long as there is enough cheese. 
This one has  meat in it but believe you me, you you can make it without meat and no one will miss it!


1 packet of ready lasagne sheets
1 kg of collards
50 g of pine nuts
2 garlic cloves, crushed
20 g of butter
500 ml of tomato sauce
1 Tablespoon of mixed herbs
3 Tablespoons of grated mozzarella

White  Sauce

300 ml milk
2 Tablespoons of flour
20 g of butter


Clean collards. In a pan saute crushed garlic. Add collards and 1/ TBS of mixed herbs. en done, squeeze the liquid out.
Fry mince.

Make the white sauce by melting butter, adding the flour  ad frying it a little. Add milk and keep stirring till the sauce is thick. Add other half of mixed spice.

Now assemble lasagna, starting with little tomato sauce on the bottom
Put layer of lasagne sheets on it. Now comes the collards and light roosted pine nuts. Than again the sheets
and than tomato sauce and  mince and 1 TBS of mozzarella.
Finish  with last layer of the sheets. Pour white sauce over it and sprinkle 2 TBS of mozzarella

Bake at 200 Degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes , until the top is golden brown.

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