уторак, 27. фебруар 2018.

Svinjski kotleti i zaljućen krompir ( Maeun Gamja Jorin) * Baked pork chops with Spicy braised potato

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ovo je zaista veoma brzo spremljeno jelo. Krompir ima malo teško ime, jer recept potiče iz Koreje ali se zato jako fino pojede. Salsa od paprike i luka  je jos jedna od dimenzija u ukusu. Svakkako probajte nije uopšte  teško.


Za krompir

1 kg krompira 
1/2 većeg narezanog crvenog luka, (oko 1 šolja)
2 čena iseckanog belog luka
3 Kašike sojinog sosa
2 Kašike ljute aleve paprike
1 kašičica šećera
1½ čaše vode

U originalnom koreanskom receptu stavlja se i suva riba sardina ili ringlice. Ja nisam imala a vi slobodno stavite. Ja sam koristila mlad krompir , Perla, a naravno ovo se može praviti i sa drugom vrstom krompira


Dodajte krompir, crni luk, beli luk, soja sos,  ljutu alevu papriku i šećer u šerpu. Promešajte sve sa varjačom.
Dodajte sardine i vodu. Pokrite i kuvajte 10 minuta na srednjoj  temperaturi.
Otvorite i mešajte. Pokrite i smanjite temperaturu.
Kuvajte još 15 minuta sve dok krompir nije potpuno kuvan, ali ne raspadnut.

Svinjski Kotleti

Zagrejte tiganj . Dodajte maslinovo ulje.

Posolite i pobiberite kotlete.. Isecite ivice na nekoliko mesta, kako biste izbegli da se meso saviia. Stavite ih u tiganj na srednju temepraturu i pečcte obe strane oko 7 minuta

2. Tokom pečenja dodajte sježi timijan i malo putera. Dodajte zdrobljeni beli luk

Posipajte puterom  i uljem iz tiganja za vreme pečenja .

Pustite meso da se odmara isto toliko vremena koliko ste ga pekli.

Servirajte sa
Salsa od paprike

Očistite 3 paprike i isecite na trake

Isecite luk u kolutove

Dodajte malo maslinovog ulja u tiganj i pecite paprike i i luk na srednjoj temperaturi. Dodajte beli luk, vinsko sirće i 1 Kašiku šećera. Ovo bi trebalo da bude spremno i karamelizovano za oko 8 minuta.

Pospite rezane listove bosiljka i mešajte. Gotovo!


Baked pork chops with Korean spicy braised potato

Very tasty and oh so quick dish to prepare. Potatoes were excellent and tasty surprise and Pepper salsa was amazing too.

Braised Potato

  • 1 pound  potato 
  • 5 ounces onion, sliced (about 1 cup)
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons hot pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 7 large dried anchovies, heads and guts removed
  • 1½ cup water

Pork chops

4 pork chops
handful of thyme
salt and pepper
knob of butter
olive oil
2 cloves of unpeeled garlic

Pepper Salsa
3 mixed bell peppers
1 red sliced onion
1 Tablespoon of sugar
salt and pepper
1 Tablespoon of wine vinegar


  1. Add potato, onion, garlic, soy sauce, hot pepper flakes, and sugar to a heavy pot. Mix all with a wooden spoon.
  2. Add the anchovies and water. Cover and cook for 10 minutes over medium high heat.
  3. Open and stir. Cover and lower the heat to medium.
  4. Cook for another 15 minutes until the potato is fully cooked but not mushy.
Pork Chops

1. Heat  baking pan till very hot. Add olive oil.

Rub pork chops with salt and pepper. Cut edges in few spaces to avoid curling of meat. Put those in the pan on medium heat and bake both sides fro about 7 minutes

2. During baking add fresh thyme and knob of butter. Add crushed garlic

Spoon butter and oil over the chops as they are baking

Let them rest for about same amount of time that they were baked.

Serve with 
Pepper Salsa

Clean 3 peppers and cut in stripes

Cut onion in rings
Add some olive oil to the pan and saute peppers and onion on medium heat. Add garlic, some red wine vinegar and 1 tsp of sugar. This should be ready and caramelised in about 8 minutes.
Sprinkle sliced basil leaves and stir. Done!

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