четвртак, 22. фебруар 2018.

Salata , tunjevina ,cvekla, rukola

Scroll down for Recipe in English.

Leto je . Vreme da se tamani što više zeleniša. Kad se doda još i  meso ili riba, to je ceo ručak. Kao ovde. Ja posebno volim cveklu kad je ispečem onako neoljuštenu u rerni.


200 g tunjevine u ulju , iz konzerve
1/2 iseckanog crvenog luka
2 trdo kuvana jaja
sok od pola limuna

so i biber
3 Kašike majoneza
Veći rukohvat rukole
2 pečene cvekle


Neoljuštene cvekle zavijemo u srebrnu foliju i pečemo u rerni oko 30 minuta na 220 stepeni Celzija.
Ovako pečena cvekla nije samo ukusna nego se i ljušti bez problema.
Skuvamo jaja, oko 7 minuta.
U činiju umešamo tunjevinu,iseckani luk, majonez, so,biber i malo limunskog soka.
Oljuštimo jaja pa isečemo na četvrtinke
Oljuštimo cvekle pa isečemo na kocke

Sve lepo poredjamo na tanjiru i dodamo rukolu sa strane

Serviramo sa kriškama limuna


Tuna salad with rocket and rosted beetroot

It is summer. Perfect time to use all delicious greens and vegetables. If you add couple of boiled eggs , it easy becomes a tasty lunch. I find that oven baked beetroot, not only taste better but is easier to peel.


200 g of tuna in oil, from the can

1/2 chopped red onion

2 hard boiled eggs

juice of half a lemon

salt and pepper

3 spoons of mayonnaise

Some rocket leaves

2 roasted beets


The unpeeled beets covered into silver foil and baked in oven for about 30 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius.
 Baked oven is not only delicious but it also peels without any problems.

We cook eggs, about 7 minutes.

In the bowl mix tuna, chopped onion, mayonnaise, so, pepper and a little lemon juice.

Peel the eggs and cut it into quarters

We peel the beets and cut into cubes

We arrange nicely on a plate and add some rocket on the side

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