уторак, 12. септембар 2017.

Kari, krompir i grašak * Potato and Pea Curry

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Odličan i veoma jednostavan kari. Skužiti sa basmati kuvanim pirinčem i indijskim hlebom.


1 Kašika ulja
2 crna isečena luka
3 čili papričice, iseckane, bez semenki
komad djumbira veličine palca, isečen
2 kašičice kima ( cumin)
1 Kašika Madras karija
1/2 kašičice kurkume
750 g mladog krompira
sok od 1 limete
500 ml  neslanog jogurta
300 ml bistre supe
mali rukohvat svežeg korijandera, iseckan
300 g svežeg ili smrznutog graška


Zagrejemo ulje u većem tiganju. Dodamo isečen luk i dinstamo 10 do 15 minuta. Dodamo čili, djumbir i začine i dinstamo nekoliko minuta.

Dodamo krompir, sok od limete i dobro promešamo.

Dodamo bistru supu i iseckan korijander. Kuvamo na niskoj temperaturi 35 do 40 minuta dok krompir ne omekša. Dodamo grašak i kuvamo još 5 minuta. Uspemo jogurt i pospemo seckanim korijanderom

Potato and Pea curry

Very easy tasty curry. Serve with basmati rice and Indian flat bread


  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 onions , sliced
  • 3 red chilies, deseeded and finely sliced
  • thumb-sized piece ginger , roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp cumin seed
  • 1 tsp Madras curry powder
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 750g new potato , halved
  • juice 1 lime
  • 500ml pot natural yogurt
  • small bunch coriander, stalks and leaves finely chopped
  • 200-300ml vegetable stock, or pea stock (see tip, below)
  • 300g podded fresh pea  (or use frozen)
  • lime  wedges, to serve

Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan. Add the onions and cook over a low heat for 10-15 mins until soft. Throw in the chilies, ginger, and spices, and cook for a few mins. Stir in the potatoes and lime juice, coating in the spice mix.

Add the yogurt, coriander stalks, and the stock. Simmer slowly for 35-40 mins until the potatoes are soft and the sauce has reduced. Stir in the peas and cook for another 5 mins. Sprinkle over the coriander leaves, and serve with lime wedges and warm naan bread.

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