среда, 5. април 2017.

Krem od limuna * Lemon curd

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Krem od limuna je tako raznovrstan da sigurno neću uspeti da izlistam sve.
Ali ja ga upotrebljavam za : na tost, kao fill za kolače, kapkejks , kao osnovu za sos za voćne salate

Meni se dopada jer se može držati i frižideru oko 10 dana, a odlično se da i smrznuti.


4 velika žumanca
2/3 šolje ( 134 g) šećera
Izrendana korica 3 limuna
1/3 šolje ( 80 ml) soka od limuna
1/8 kašičice soli
6  Kašika putera (86 g), na sobnoj temperaturi.


U šerpicu koju smo stavili na veću šerpu sa malo vode na dnu, pustimo da voda provri a onda sasvim smanjimop temperaturu

Dodamo žumanca. šećer, sok i koricu limuna i so i mešamo dok se sve dobro ne sjedini , a šećer rastvori.

Jako je bitno  da konstantno mešate da se ne  bi zgrudvalo. Oko 10 minuta, dok se krem ne ugusti

Sklonimo sa šporeta pa puter dodajemo u šest puta, malo po malo, Puter će se istopiti od toplog krema. Mešampo dobro , pa uspemo u teglu.

Odmah vrh prekrijemo plastičnom folijom, tako da dodiruje kremu, da nam se ne bi stvorila korica.

Ostavimo u frižider da se ohladi

Lemon Curd

There are so many ways to use lemon curd. I will list only once that I use: On toast, in cakes and cupcakes, as a base for sweet sauces and fruit salads.

I also like that it can be kept in fridge up to 10 days and it can also be easily frozen.


  • 4 large  egg yolks
  • 2/3 cup (134g) granulated sugar
  • zest from 3 lemons
  • 1/3 cup (80ml) fresh lemon juice (about 3 lemons)
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 6 Tablespoons (86g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature


  1. Fill the bottom pot of your double boiler with 1-2 inches of water. Place on high heat. Once the water begins to boil, reduce heat to low to keep the water at a simmer.
  2. Place egg yolks, granulated sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, and salt into the top pot of your double boiler. Whisk until completely blended-- and continue to whisk as the curd cooks. Constant whisking prevents the egg yolks from curdling. Whisk and cook until the mixture becomes thick, resembling the texture of hollandaise sauce-- about 10 minutes. If your curd isn't thickening fast enough, gently turn up the heat. But remember to constantly whisk.
  3. Remove pan from heat. Cut the butter into 6 separate pieces and stir each piece into the curd 1 at a time. The butter will melt from the heat of the curd. Pour curd into a jar or bowl and place a piece of plastic wrap directly on top-- so it is touching the top of the curd. This prevents a skin from forming on top. The curd will continue to thicken as it cools. 
  4. Refrigerate the curd for up to about 10 days. For longer storage, you can freeze the curd up to 3-6 months. Simply thaw in the refrigerator overnight before enjoying.

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