четвртак, 9. март 2017.

Piletina u sirćetu *Poulet au Vinagre * Chicken in Vinegar

Scroll down for  Recipe in English

Čudno da ovo jelo nije našlo veću popularnost. Ima malo neobičan sastojak, sirće , ali verujte mi na reč ukus je fantastičan. Uz to smo služili Kari od sočiva i krompira, napravivši fuziju francuskog i indijskog jela, i odlično su se složili.


30 g neslanog putera
6 komada pilećeg mesa
3 šalote, sitno iseckane
6 čena belog luka
6 Kašika belog vinskog sirćeta
325 ml suvog belog vina
150 ml bistre pileće supe
3 Kašike brendija
3 kašičice Dižon senfa
1 1/2 kašičica paradajz pire
100 ml punomasne pavlake
50 g hladnog putera isečenog na kocke
3 veća paradajza, oljuštena i izvadjeno seme ( može i iz konzerve)


Predgrejemo rernu na 130 stepeni C

U tiganju prepečemo pileće komade sa svake strane, počevši sa kožicom

Dodamo šalote ( luk) i beli luk. Poklopimo i na niskoj temperaturi dinstamo 30 do 40 minuta.

Premestimo u činiju u kojoj ćemo servirati i pokrijemo srebrnom folijom, pa ostavimo u donjoj rerni da bude toplo.

Ispraznimo ulje ali ne operemo posudu

U to uspemo sirće i na visokoj temperaturi , ostavimo da vri , dok se količina ne smanji na oko 2 kašike.

Uspemo vino, bistru supu, brendi i paradajz pire. Krčkamo dok se ne ugusti

Propasiramo i dodamo sitno iseckan beli luk i paradajz u posudu pa zagrejemo. Uspemo pavlaku, dodamo senf pa krčkamo par minuta. Ako je potrebno možete dosoliti. Pri kraju stavimo hladan puter ,od čega še sos dobiti naravno dodatni ukus ali i lep sjaj.

 Sipamo još vruće preko pileta.


Chicken in Vinegar

Pity that this dish is not that well known. It has unusual ingredient as vinegar, but the end result is stunning

We made a fusion of French and Indian  with side dish of Lentils and potato curry and that goes very well together

  • Ingredients

  • 30g unsalted butter, for sautéing
  • 6 chicken pieces
  • 3 shallots, finely chopped
  • 6 large cloves garlic, unpeeled
  • 6 tablespoons white-wine vinegar
  • 325ml dry white wine
  • 150ml chicken stock
  • 3 tablespoons brandy
  • 3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1½ teaspoons tomato purée
  • 100ml double cream
  • 50g cold butter, cut into little cubes
  • 3 large plum tomatoes, skinned and deseeded, the flesh cut into strips
  • U can also use canned diced tomatoes


  1. Heat the oven to 130°C/fan oven 110°C/mark ½. Melt the butter in a sauté pan and brown the chicken on all sides, skin-side first. Add the shallots and garlic to the pan and cover. Turn the heat to low and cook gently for 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish and keep it warm in a low oven, covered loosely with foil. Pour all the fat out of the pan but don't wash it. 
    1. Add the vinegar to the pan, stirring to dislodge all the sediment. Boil quickly until you have about 2 tablespoons of liquid left, then stir in the wine, stock, brandy, mustard and tomato purée and mix well. Boil this mixture until reduced to a sauce consistency, then press through a sieve into a clean saucepan, squashing the garlic cloves to push through some of the juice from their flesh. Add the cream and bring to the boil. Take off the heat and whisk in the butter to produce a glossy sauce. Add the tomato, gently heat through and check the seasoning. Pour the sauce over the warm chicken and serve immediately. 

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