среда, 1. март 2017.


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Grisine obično pravim po dečijim zahtevima. A ustvari i sama ih volim. Uopšte ih nije teško napraviti.


1 kašičica meda
250 ml mlake vode
1 kašičica instant vasca
450 g nebeljenog belog brašna
2 kašičice soli
3 Kašike maslinovog ulja
1 Kašika parmezana


Rastvorimo med u vodi, pa dodamo kvasac.
Ostavimo da stoji dok se kvasac ne zapeni
U činiji umešamo brašno i so
Dodamo kvasac i maslinovo ulje
Umesimo testo, pa formiramo pravougaonik.
Pokrijemo plastičnom folijom i ostavimo da se udupla oko 1 1/2 sat
Predgrejemo rernu na 200 stepeni C
Malo poprskamo testo vodom.
 Sečemo na štrafte, vukući i formirajući testo u okrugle tanke štapiće
Ako koristite susam, pospite na grisine pre pečenja
Poredjamo grisine na malo namašćen pek papir
Pečemo 20 minuta dok lepo porumene
Druge varijacije bi bile dodavanje raznih začin u testo, posipanje rendanim sirom...



Mostly make them on kids request. But I like them too! ery easy to make

 1 teaspoon honey
 250 ml luke warm water
 1 teaspoon dried yeast
 450 g unbleached white flour
 2 teaspoon salt 
3 tablespoons olive oil
 sesame seeds 


 Dissolve the honey in the water.
Sprinkle the yeast into the honey-water mixture.
Wait until the yeast gets frothy.
In a large bowl mix flour and salt.
Make a well in the center; pour in the yeast mixture then the olive oil.
Mix, knead and shape dough into a rectangle (30 x 10 cm) on floured board.
Cover with oiled cling film.
Leave to rise for 1½ hours, until doubled in size.
Heat oven to 200 °C.
Brush dough lightly with water and sprinkle generously with seeds.
Cut oblong crosswise into three sections, and then cut one section into 5-6 finger thick pieces.
Lift and stretch and roll until it becomes a stick.
Lay on greased baking sheet.
Bake 20 minutes until crisp and lightly brown.
  • Sprinkle them with grated cheese (e.g. tasty cheddar/parmesan) before putting them in the oven.
  • Add 2 teaspoons chopped rosemary, sage or other herbs to the flour and salt mixture.

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