уторак, 7. фебруар 2017.

Voćni Trajfl * Fruit Trifle *

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Svuda oko nas voće. Obesile se grane, breskve , kajsije, prve šljive, jabuke uobičajeno. Ima još i jagoda i borovnice, kupine,višnje.

Tako da evo ga još jedan trajfl pun svega tog voća

Ovoga puta sam koristila umesto patišmana koji se obično stavlja u to, piškote.


500 g raznog voća po izboru i koje imate
200 ml kisele pavlake
200 ml
slatke pavlake
1 kašičica vanile
2 kašičice ruma
oko 16 piškota
1 filadelfija ili drugi krem sir
100 g džema od maline
mering ( opcionalno). Ja sam imala od mojih puslica kada sam pravila Čizkejk


Prvo stavimo džem u šerpicu da se malo rastopi. Kad je gotov sipamo rum u njega i promešamo
Izmiksamo kiselu pavlaku, filadelfija sir, dodamo vanilu i 100 ml slatke pavlake. ostalih 100 ml pavlake izmiksamo u šlag i ostavimo sa strane.
Isećemo krupnije voće
U dublju činiju redjamo piškote koje pospemo džemom. Onda dolazi red voća, pa red mešavine sira i pavlake, pa opet tim redom

Redjamo tako do vrha posude , i na vrh stavimo samo šlag. dekorišemo po želji, ja sam sa trešnjama i komadima meringa

Mixed Fruit Trifle

Fruit galore, trees are heavy laden with peaches, apricots, first plums and there are still strawberries, cherries, blueberries. Meaning we made another trifle.
Instead of sponge I used lady fingers


500 g mixed fruit that's available
200 ml sour cream
200 ml cream
1 Philadelphia or other cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp rum essence
100 g raspberry jam
16 Lady Fingers
Meringue ( optional, I had leftover from my Cheesecake)


Put raspberry jam in a pan on low heat till it has become liquidy. Remove from stove add rum and mix

Mix sour cream, cream cheese, 100 ml of cream and vanilla essence till combined
Other 100 ml of cream beat stiff and use as a final topping.

Put lady fingers as a first layer in a deep bowl ( glass one always looks best). Pour some of the raspberry mixture on it.
Layer of mixed fruit
Lazer of cream cheese mixture and again lady fingers and so on till the bowl is full. Top up with cream and decorate with fruit.

I used cherries and meringue

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