понедељак, 30. јануар 2017.

Pastéis de Belém, Kolač sa vanila pudingom, Custard Pie

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Oni koji prate moj blog, znaju da volim istoriju nekih recepta. Takav je i ovaj.
Nastao 1837 godine u Portugalu u jednom (Belem) manastiru gde su monasi koristili belanca za štirku pojedinih delova odora i od žumanaca onda kreirali ovaj divan kremast kolač, koji je u svoj svojoj jednostavnosti zaista izvanredan.Nekada je priprema ovog kolača bila tajna , i spremali su ga samo monasi.


150 g šećera
50 g brašna
1 štapić cimeta
1kriška limunske kore
6 jaja
500 ml mleka
1 deblja kora za pitu
cimet u prahu


Koru za pitu pospemo cimetom u prahu. Ovo je opcionalno, u originalnom receptu se ne traži.Meni je tako ukus za ovu vrstu kolača bolji.

Sada koru urolamo i isečemo na 12 komada.

Svaki komad stavimo u mafinarnik i rukom oblikujemo korpice.

Sada pripremimo fil
Izmešamo brašno, 2 cela jaja i 4 žumanca. Uspemo mleko, dodamo koricu limuna i štapić cimeta.

Na srednjoj temperaturi mešamo dok se ne zgusne. Sipamo u pripremljene korpice i pečemo na 180 Stepeni C , oko 20 minuta.


Custard pies

People that follow me know how I like to go to the roots of some recipes. This is one of them.

In 1837, the baking of the “Pastéis de Belém”began in the buildings attached to the refinery, following the ancient 'secret recipe` from the monastery. Passed on and known exclusively to the master confectioners who hand-crafted the pastries in the 'secret room', this recipe remained unchanged to the present day.I

Also called Pastéis de Nata were created before the 18th century by Catholic monks at the Jerónimos Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos) in the civil parish of Santa Maria de Belém, in Lisbon. ... At the time, convents and monasteries used large quantities of egg whites for starching clothes, such as nuns' habits.

And of course, the egg yolks had to be used too.

They are in all their simplicity till this day creamy divine desert.


6 eggs ( 2 whole and 4 egg yolks)
150 g sugar
500 ml milk
50 g flour
1cinammon stick
cinnamon grounded
1 peel of lemon
1 ready made sheet of puff pastry

Prepare custard: Mix flour and sugar add eggs and egg yolks and milk and mix well. Add cinnamon stick and lemon peel.
Cook on medium, constantly mixing till thick.
Pour in cases

Bake at 180 Degrees C for 20 minutes

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