субота, 28. јануар 2017.

Milicin Rolat sa kivijem *Sponge roll with kiwi

Scroll down for Recipe in English
Jedan divan recept blogerke Milice. Recept video možete pogledati OVDE.
Kad se samo setim koliko sam se pre ovog recepta mučila da savijem rolat da mi ne pukne , a mnogi možda i znate kako , eto ja nisam znala i super je ispao.


Za koru
6 jaja
7 Kašika šećera
6 Kašika brašna
2 kašičice praska za pecivo
2 Kašike omekšalog putera
Za fil
2 kesice pudinga od vanile
750 ml mleka
šecer po ukusu
180g putera
4 kivija
250 ml pavlake

Umutimo belanca u čvrst šne u koji smo dodali i šećer i prstohvat soli.
Umešamo žumanca, pa dodamo brašno,prašak za pecivo i omekšali puter

Uspemo testo u pleh koji smo obložili pek papirom i namastili.
Predgrejemo rernu na 180 stepeni C i pečemo oko 20 minuta.

Kada je kora pečena , uvijemo je u mokru krpu, koju smo prethodno dobro icedili

Pripremite puding  tako što prvo umutite sa malo hladnog mleka, a zatim konstantno mešajući dodate u mleko na šporetu
U ohladjen puding dodajte šećer i puter. Sve dobro sjedinite.
Sa ovim filom premažite koru. Sada rasporedite iseckan kivi.
Sada rolat čvrsto uvijemo,premažemo ostatkom pudinga i šlagom

Milicin Video recept možete pogledati OVDE
Milicas Swiss roll with kiwi

Super soft creamy roll with fresh fruit. I made swiss roll many times, sweating when rolling the base that would often rip. Not the way Milica does it. It is so simple but well you need to know. I do now!

For Dough

6 eggs, separated
6 TBS flour
7 TBS sugar
2 tsp of baking powder
2 TBS of soft butter


2 packs of instant vanilla custard, welcome to make your own
4 kiwis
750 ml milk
180 g soft butter
sugar to taste
250 ml cream



Beat the eggs till stiff. Add sugar and pinch of salt
In separate bowl, mix egg yolks, sugar, flour, butter and baking powder

Pour on a flat baking tray evenly

Bake in preheated oven at 180 Degrees C for 20 minutes
Take out and roll in a wet kitchen towel. Leave to cool completely.


Dissolve instant custard in a little bit of milk, then pour slowly in rest of the milk that is on the stove. Mix from time to time. If you wish you can sweeten it a little.
Let it cool, then mix soft butter  in that till nice and smooth

Prepare kiwi, in slices
Prepare cream, beaten to stiff

Now unfold the dough and put the custard evenly. Arrange kiwi slices on top. Roll carefully but tight.
Finish with cream. 

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