субота, 14. јануар 2017.

Kolač od Tahinija i sirupa od urme*Tahini and Dates syrup Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Da se malo prošetamo do Arapskih zemalja. Jedan od važnih sastojaka u njihovoj kuhinji su i urme. I naravno tahini. Jako mi se dopao ovaj kolač i uopšteno ideja kako da se umesto ogromnih količina šećera koristi npr sirup od datula. Velo je jednostavan da se napravi i pored slatkoće daje i svoju posebnu aromu kolačima koje pravite.


Sirup od urme

20 do 25 suvih urmi, bez koštica
3 šolje vode


Urme stavimo u vodu i pustimo da prokuvaju. Ako su urme veoma suve, prethodno ih potopimo u hladnu vodu i ostavimo da malo nabubre (oko 1 sat)
Ako se počnu peniti skinemo penu.
Varjačom redovno promešamo i gnječimo.Posle oko 15 minuta skinemo sa šporeta

Za ovo vam je potrebno ili jako sitno sito, kao što sam ja koristila ili ako imate krupnije obložite ga gazom.

Sada pritiskamo urme i cedimo sok iz njih.

Vratimo na šporet i krčkamo redovno mešajuči još nekih 20 minuta , kada će se sirup ugustiti.



4 jaja
2 šolje brašna
1 šolja šečera
3/4 šolje ulja
1 kašičica praška za pecivo
1 kašičica sode bikarbone
3 Kašike Tahini
3 Kašike sirupa od urme


Predgrejemo rernu na 180 stepeni C
Umutimo jaja i šećer u penastu masu
Dodamo prosejano brašno, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu i ulje
Sve dobro sjedinimo
U činijici umutimo tahini i sirup od urme i umešamo u testo

Sipamo u pleh 26 cm, sa dnom koje se vadi i koji smo obložili pek papirom.
Pečemo u predgrejanoj rerni 30 minuta na 180 stepeni C

* Ja sam imala višak urme pa sam cele ,oljuštene dodala u testo


Tahini and Dates syrup Cake

I quite like Middle Eastern cuisine. The smells that go through the house makes you feel like flying on a magic carpet.
I also liked discovering this date syrup which I made and will keep making it, to be able to reduce the amount of sugar in baking. Not only is it very sweet, but so easy to make.
Dates syrup


  • 20 – 25 dates, pitted
  • 3 cups of water


Put the dates and water in a medium saucepan on medium-high heat to bring to a boil. Then turn the heat down to med-low and allow the mixture to simmer. If you see foam appearing on the top, skim it off (same thing you do when making soup stock or jam). Using a wooden spoon, mix occasionally and smash the dates with the back of the spoon. After about 15 minutes of simmering, take it off the heat and let it cool.

Now set your strainer lined with cheesecloth on the top of the bowl and pour the mixture through. Use the wooden spoon to push much of the liquid out of the dates. Then wrap the cheesecloth around the date mixture and wring it out as you can.The liquid will keep coming. Don’t leave any behind.

Now put it back on a stove and stir occasionally till ith thickens and gets desired sweetness.



  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3/4 cups of cooking oil
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbs of tahini
  • 3 tbs of date syrup


  1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
  2. In a bowl, mix the eggs with the sugar until light and creamy.
  3. Mix in the oil and flour.
  4. Pour in the cake tin.
  5. In a small bowl, combine the tahini and date syrup.
  6. Drizzle over the cake mixture and then swirl through the mixture using a teaspoon.

  1. Bake for approximately 20 mins on 180˚C.
  2. * I had few dates over from making syrup so I pushed them in the dough. First peel.
  3. Serve with tea or coffee.

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