петак, 20. јануар 2017.

Kimči sa livadskim kupusom *Kale Kimchi

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Kimči je jedan od najboljih probiotika koje znam. Redovno ga pravim u manjim količinama, i onda mu je  glavni sastojak kineski kupus. Tražeći recepte  sa livadskim kupusom (Kale), naišla sam i na ovaj za kimči. Izvrstan je!


Veoma hladna voda
2 rukohvata livadskog kupusa
2 Kašike krupne morske soli
1 Kašika slatkog pirinčanog brašna
1 Kašika izgnječenog belog log luka (oko 5 čena)
2 zelena luka sitno siečena
1 palac djumbira
1 šargarepa, isečena na tanke štrafte
3 Kašike sitno mlevenog čilija
3 Kašike krupno mlevenog čilija
1 Kašika usoljenih škampi ili ribljeg ulja
1/4 šolje šečera
1 Naši kruška isečena na režnjve ( opcionalno)


Sipamo u činiju hladnu vodu.
U šerpu sipamo dosta vode, pustimo da prokuva, pa spustimo livadski kupus , koji smo očistili od peteljki i isekli na sitne komade i blanširamo 2 do 3 minuta. Izvadimo livadski kupus i stavimo u činiju sa hladnom vodom.
Kad se livadski kupus sasvim ohladio, izvadimo iz vode u kuhinjsku krpu i dobro iscedimo. Stavimo u činiju i pospemo so.

U malo posudu stavimo pirinčano brašno i 1/2 šolje vode. Pustimo da provri i kuvamo oko 2 minuta, dok se zgusne. Ostavimo da se ohladi.

U posebnoj činiji umešamo : beli luk, rendani djumbir, zeleni luk,sitno isečenu šargarepu, sitno mleveni čili, grubo mleveni čili. slane škampe i šećer.

Dodamo pirinčano brašno.
Dodamo livadski kupus i kinesku krušku. Promešamo.
Mođe se koristiti odmah ili čuvati u frižideru nedelju dana.


Kale Kimchi

It is well-known fact that Kimchi is fantastic probiotic. In my humble opinion the best.
Looking on the net which uses I could have for my Cale ( Cavalero Nero), I came across this recipe. And it is fantastic.


Ice water
2 bunches curly green kale--washed, dried, stalk removed and leaves torn into bite-size pieces
2 teaspoons coarse sea salt 
1 tablespoon sweet rice flour
1 tablespoon garlic paste (about 5 cloves crushed in a mortar and pestle or with a back of a knife)
One 1-inch piece fresh ginger, scraped and finely grated 
2 scallions, cut into 1-inch strips
1 medium carrot, peeled and thinly sliced into 3-inch pieces
3 tablespoons finely ground  red chile powder
3 tablespoons coarsely ground  red chile powder)
1 tablespoon small salted shrimp
 or fish sauce
¼ cup granulated sugar


 Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the kale and blanch until softened, 2 to 3 minutes depending on the toughness of the kale. Remove the kale from the boiling water and add to the ice water. Once the kale is completely cool, remove it from the ice water, place it in a dish towel and squeeze as much moisture out of the kale as possible. Place the kale in a large bowl and toss with the salt.
2. In a small saucepan, add the rice flour and ½ cup water. Place over medium-high heat and whisk until thickened, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
3. In a large bowl, combine the garlic, ginger, scallions, carrot, fine chile powder, coarse chili pepper, salted shrimp and sugar. Add the rice powder-paste and mix together. Add the kale and pear, and mix until well combined. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator in a glass or stainless-steel airtight container for up to one week.

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