среда, 18. јануар 2017.

Govedji file i gratinirane pečurke* Beef Filet with mushroom gratin

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Pogledajte kako se lako spremi ovaj recept. Meso je divno, meko, topi se u ustima. Pečurke na vrhu u pavlaci i začinima je prava kombinacija za balans celog jela. Poslužite uz pečene krompiriće i zelenu salatu ili kao ja sa mešanom pirinač salatom


1 file, dobrog kvaliteta , 800 g , isečen na 4 dela
2 šalote, sitno iseckane
2 čena belog luka
6 Kašika maslinovog ulja
400 g šampinjona, nasečenih
4 Kašike vlašca , iseckanog
8 Kašika punomasne pavlake
1 žumance
Sveže rendan parmezan


Predgrejemo rernu na 20 stepeni C
U tiganju srednje veličine izdinstamo luk i beli neoljušten luk u 2 kašike maslinovog ulja, oko 5 minuta. Izvadimo beli luk.
Dodamo još 2 Kašike ulja i pojačamo temperaturu pa uspemo pečurke. Pržimo oko 7 minuta na srednjoj temperaturi. Skinemo sa šporeta, uspemo u činiju.
Ulupamo pavlaku. Dodamo pečurke, sa žumancetom, začinima i kašikom rendanog parmezana.
Posolimo i pobiberimo.

Posolimo i pobiberimo file. Zagrejemo ulje u većem tiganju, koji može da se stavi u rernu, pa sa svake strane propržimo file jedan do dva minuta.

Odozgo sipamo pečurke. Pospemo rendanim parmezanom

Pečemo oko 7 minuta dok se sir ne istopi.
Ostavimo da miruje nekoliko minuta.

Beef filet with mushroom gratin

Just look how easy to make, this recipe is. And meat is so soft and tender, it melts in your mouth. Mushrooms just give it a right amount of balance. Serve with baked potatoes and green salad or like me with mountain rice salad

1 good quality beef fillet steak /ca. 800 g). Cut in 4
2 shallots, finely chopped
2 garlic clove,(skin on and lightly bashed)
6 tablespoons olive oil
400g mixed mushrooms(roughly chopped)
4 tablespoons chives (finely chopped)
8 tablespoons double cream
1 egg yolk
freshly grated Parmesan

Preheat oven to 220°C
In a medium frying pan, over a medium heat fry the shallot and garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil for about 5 minutes until nicely softened. Add 2 more tablespoons of olive oil, turn up the heat slightly and fry the mushrooms, stirring for about 7 minutes until browned and fairly dry, drain a little if not. Remove the garlic cloves and transfer the mushrooms to a bowl to cool. Whip the cream until softly stiff. Fold in the mushrooms along with the egg yolk, herbs and a tablespoon of grated Parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.

Sprinkle a little salt & pepper over the steaks. Heat a large non-stick frying pan until very hot. Cook the steaks for about 1-2 minutes either side. Remove from the pan. Put the steaks on a baking tray and then pile the mushroom mixture on top of the steaks quite liberally. Then sprinkle a little parmesan over each. Cook in the oven uncovered, for about 7 minutes until the topping is bubbling and golden. Remove from the oven and rest for 1-2 minutes before serving.

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