субота, 24. децембар 2016.

Čorba sa povrćem i knedlama* Meal soup with vegetables and dumplings

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Volim kad u bašti imam svakakvog povrća i začinskog bilja. Mada začinsko bilje uzgajam i zimi ali unutra. Svi volimo čorbice i čak i oni koji ne mogu da žive bez mesa rado, ovo pojedu za ručak.


2 šaragarepe, iseckane na kolutove, 1 veći crveni luk, usitnjen,
2 grančice celera, oljuštene i isečene na komadiće
2 paprike babure, jedna žuta, jedna crvena,i seckano
1/2 glavice karfiola, isckepkanog u cvetove
2 čena belog luka sitno iseckanog
1 paradajz iseckan
1 l bistre supe
Od svežih  začina, peršun, origano i malo mirodjije

Testo za knedle pravimo slično kao za wontone ( kineske punjene knedle), Mi ih i nepunjene volimo u supi i od količine testa koje sam dole dala možete napraviti oko 60 komada . Ja uvek imam količinu smrznutu u frizu i izvadim kad mi je potrebno


1 jaje
1/3 šolje vode
2 šolje brašna
1/2 kašičice soli


Prvo izdinstamo crni luk, pa dodamo beli
Zatim papriku i paradajz i redom šargarepu celer, i karfiol. Sve ukupno dinstamo oko 10 minuta. na malo ulja.

Nalijemo bistru supu i sipamo sve začine.

Kuvamo oko 20 minuta na srednjoj vatri.
Pet minuta pred  kraj  pustimo da supa provri , ubacimo knedle i kuvamo nekoliko minuta.


Umutimo jaje pa dodamo vodu , prosejano brašno i so i sve dobro izmesimo da dobijemo glatko testo.
Ostavimo da odstoji oko 10 minuta.
Razvijamo u tanko testo i sečemo na  kocke veličine 10x10.
Za ove knedle samo smo preklopili testo trouglasto.


Meal soup with vegetables and dumplings

I love when my garden is in full season and gives are all these fresh vegetable and herbs. Although I grow herbs all year around , some colder season inside.

This soup is so simple but very tasty and nutricious at the same time. Loved even buy those that swear by meat in the meal.

2 carrots, cut
2 bell peppers, red and yellow , chopped
1 red onion , chopped
2 celery sticks, peeled and chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1/2 cauliflower , cut
1 tomato, chopped
1l of clear stock of choice
salt and pepper to taste
Herbs: parsley, oregano and little dill


Dough for dumplings is made the same way as I make wonton dough. Only this time we did not fill it.

1 egg
1/3 cup water
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt


First saute onion and add garlic. Than all other vegetables and herbs. Saute all for about 10 minutes

Add clear stock and on low simmer for further 20 minutes.
Last 5 minutes let it come up to the boil and add dumplings .Couple of minutes.


Beat egg, add water and slowly flour, till you get nice smooth dough
Let it rest for 10 minutes
Roll out thin and cut rectangles about 10 x10.
This makes about 60 pcs. I freeze the dough and take out as required.
For these empty ones just join doug diagonaly.

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