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Ovo je jedana izdašna prelepa štrudla, koja zahteva kore vrhunskog kvaliteta. Srećom ja ih nabavim gotove.
Najukusnija je ako se jede topla uz kuglicu sladoleda, npr ukusa francuske vanile
400 g mlevenih oraha
150 g zlatnih suvih groždjica
50 grama putera, za premazivanje
5 Kašika Nutele
1 Kora za pite
Koru dobro premažemo puterom
Razmažemo nutelu
Pospemo suve groždjice
Pospemo orahe
Štrudlu savijamo tako što duže strane preklopimo po ivici , pa sa kraće , čvrsto urolamo
Ponovo dobro premažemo istopljenim puterom, pa pospemo orasima
Pečemo na 200 stepeni 35 minuta
Strudel with walnuts, Nutella and golden raisins
This is a mighty strudel of them all, and therefore require the best butter pastry you can lay your hands on or make it yourself.
Best served with French Vanilla Ice cream
400 g crushed walnuts
150 g golden raisins
50 g melted butter
5 Tablespoons Nutella
1 Thick sheet Butter Pastry
Butter the sheet of pastry with melted butter
Put a layer of Nutella on it
Than golden raisins
Sprinkle crushed walnuts on it
Foldlongwe sides of pastry inside and roll with short sides , firmly
Butter again and sprinkle some walnuts
Bake at 200 Degrees Celsius for 35 minutes
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