Pesto najčešće pravimo leti, kad su svi sastojci nabujali u bašti. Ali može se praviti i zimi. Kao npr ovaj sa svežim peršunom.Mi pesto jedemo npr.u pasti ili na hleb.
1 šolja badema
2 šolje seckanog peršuna , oko 1 veza
1/2 šolje rendanog sira pekorino ili parmezan
3 čena belog luka , grubo seckanog
1/2 kašičice soli
1/2 šolje maslinovog ulja
Stavite bademe, peršun , beli luk , sir, i soli u blender i izblendajte. Sastružite niz strane u posudu , a zatim ponovo blendajte
Usipamo maslinovo ulje dok mašina radi dovoljno dugo da obuhvati ulje , oko 20-30 sekundi .
Koristi odmah ili pokri sa plastičnom folijom i ostavi frižideru . Može trajati nekoliko dana rashlađen .
1 cup almonds
2 cups chopped parsley, about 1 bunch
1/2 cup grated pecorino or parmesan cheese
3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil
1 Put the walnuts, parsley, cheese, garlic, and salt in a food processor and pulse for a few seconds to combine. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, then pulse again.
2 Drizzle in the olive oil while the machine is running just long enough to incorporate the oil, about 20-30 seconds.
Use immediately or cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate to store. Will last several days chilled.
Use with pasta or as a spread on bread or toast.
This would be a perfect afternoon snack. Spread it on bread and enjoy on the deck in the afternoon sun.