субота, 30. јануар 2016.

Pancakes with bacon and apple

Scroll down for Recipe in English

 Na jednom putovanju kroz Evropu ( ah , davno to beše) dobro sam zapamtila posetu Kući palačinki u Holadniji, gde na meniju imaju preko 50 slanih i slatkih varijacija palačinki. Meni se posebno dopala ova kombinacija sa slaninom i jabukom, pa ond asve udavljeno javorovim sirupo.Ako se pretera uvek možete nacediti malo limuna. Ukus je fantastičan

6 kriški slanine,
2 šolje brašna (Ja sam koristila Integralno)
2 kasičice praška za pecivo
2 kasičice sode bikarbone
1/2 kasičice soli
2 kasičice šećera
Cela 2 velike jaja, malo umucena
2 3/4 šolje mleka
1 1/2  Kasike putera
2 oljustene jabuke isecene na tanke kriske


Zagrejte rernu na 150 stepeni Celzija, da možete držati palačinke toplo dok se ostale spremaju.
U tiganju prvo proprzimo slaninu nekoliko minuta, pa je izvadimo na kuhinjski papir da se ocedi.

U ciniji umešajte brašno, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu, so i šećer. Dodajte lagano umućena jaja i mleko u dvva puta, pazeći da ne premiksamo. To je siguran način da palačinke budu meke. Neka testo odstoji 10 minuta.

Dok testo odmara, zagrejati vaš tiganj polako i staviti 1 Kasiku putera  Nakon što se testo odmorilo, lagano ubacite slaninu i narezane jabuke u testo.  Posle nekoliko minuta ili kad se pojave mehurici, testo okrenemo jos nekoliko minuta. Nalijemo na gotovu palacinku  javorov sirup i malo putera


Bacon and Apple Pancakes


6 slices bacon,
2 cups all purpose flour ( I used Wholemeal flour)
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 whole large eggs, lightly beaten
2 3/4 cups milk
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
2 apples, cored and sliced


Preheat oven to 150 degrees so you can keep the pancakes warm while the others are cooking.
In a medium pan, cook the bacon, over medium heat, stirring frequently, until cooked, about 10-12 minutes. Remove the bacon to a paper towel, to remove excess fat.

In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Add the lightly beaten eggs and milk in two batches, careful to not overmix. This is the sure way to tough pancakes. You want some small to medium lumps in there. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes to thicken a bit. 

While the batter is resting, heat up your griddle or cast iron skillet slowly and brush with 1 tablespoon of butter. Once the batter is done resting, lightly fold the bacon and sliced apples in the batter. Take a cup of batter dropping it onto the griddle or cast iron skillet. Cook until bubbles form along the sides. Flip. Then cook until browned. Once they’re done, put them on a plate in the warm oven until you’re ready to serve. Top with warm maple syrup and a dollop of butter.

1 коментар:

  1. I have to admit I have never tried pancakes with bacon & apple, but I'm willing to try anything:)) After reading about all the ingredients I started to like it:)) The pictures further convinced me I really need to try this. I would love to try a pancake or two or three:))


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