
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 29. август 2011.

Poznajete li vi Vivian Meyer? / Do you know Vivian Meyer?

Poznajete li vi Vivian Meier?

Ako je ne poznajete nije strašno,ni ja nisam čula za nju do danas.
Vivian je bila Dadilja u Čikagu.Niko je zaista nije poznavao, a deca koju je čuvala su kasnije izjavila da je bila odlična dadija.Nisu je nikad privatno posećivali niti zvali telefonom.I Vivian bi verovatno ostala samo to.Jedna skromna žena koja je bila povučena ali svoj posao radila sa velikom ljubavlju.
Umrla je  2007 godine u 83ćoj godini života.
Njen sugradjanin 26godišnji John Maloof je na jednoj aukciji u Čikagu tražio da nadje nešto ,dodatne informacije i ilustarcije, za delo koje je pisao o istoiji jedne četvrti u Čikagu.
Kupi 'na slepo' jednu kutiju plativši za nju 400 US$.Došavši kući kutiju je odložio u ormar.
Kad je najzad našao vremena da je razgleda,našao je u njoj ogroman broj jedan Život.Kada je razvio nekoliko, shvatio je kako je ustvari otkrio riznicu jednog talentovanog fotografa i počeo je napustivši posao, da se bavi samo promocijom ove do sada nepoznate autorke.
Ja lično, iako vrlo loš fotograf po svim standardima, nadjoh u njenim slikama jednu osobu koja je toliko volela ljude ,a eto ipak živela sa njima samo kroz svoje kreacije.
Ona će verovatno kao i mnogi umetnici pre nje postati slavna,tek posle svoje smrti.
Eto sad i vi znate priču o Vivian Meier

If you don't ,don't worry,I heard about her only today.
In the winter of 2007, John Maloof, a 26-year-old Chicago realtor, stumbled upon a box of negatives at an auction house. He paid $400, hoping it might hold some vintage photos of his neighborhood. He stuffed the box in a closet. There the images sat for a couple of months, until he had time to scan a few into his computer. "Little by little I realized how good they were," he told me. In the end, he collected more than 100,000 negatives, including a few thousand rolls of film. In one of the boxes, he eventually found an envelope with the name Vivian Maier scrawled on it. He googled her name and found a Chicago Tribune obituary. She had died a few days earlier. She was 83.
Maloof learned that Vivian Maier had made her living as a nanny, first in New York City, then from the late 1950s until the late 1990s for well-to-do families in the Chicago area. A writer for Chicago magazine contacted some of the children she cared for, and it became clear that no one knew the extent of her photography. Her former charges—all now adults—recounted with great affection how she'd take them on outings to the city, always carrying her Rolleiflex. She had little patience for those who put on airs—and she did little to call attention to herself.
It is her destiny that she is about to become famous after her death,just like so many artist before her.
There you you know the story of Vivian

петак, 26. август 2011.

Maorske legende..Ljubavna priča Hinemoe i Tutankei..Maori Legends.. Love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekei

Hinemoa je bila devojka iz Chiaftanes plemena koje je živelo u selu Ovhata na obalama jezere Rotorue.Na jezeru Rotorua oko 4 km od Ovhate je ostrvo Mokoia.Na ovom ostrvu živeo je  Tutanekei,lep mladić rodjen vanbračno.

Susedna plemena su se posećivala tokom nekih praznika i tom prilikom upoznali su se Hinemoa i Tutankei.Upoznali i zaljubili.
Njihova ljubav je postajala veća i veća i svake većeri Tutankei bi sedeo na verandi na svom ostrvu i svirao na faluti-Blagi vetar odnosio je zvuke preko vode.Hinemoa bi stajala na obali i intenzivno dočekivala ove zvuke ljubavi. 
kako to često biva u životu Hinemoini roditelji su posumnjali da se ona zaljubila u Tutankei i iako je on bio fin mladić,pleme nije želelo da on bude Hinamoin muž.
Svake večeri su proveravali da su kanoi dobro zavezani za obalu,da Hinemoa ne bi mogla da se otisne ka Mokoi.
Jedne večeri dok je Hinemoa stajali na obali i slušala zanosne zvuke Tutankeiove flaute,želja je pobedila strah.Zavezala je nekoliko praznih  tikvi za sebe i započela dug put preko jezera Rotorua, ka svojoj ljubavi.

Kad je najzad stigla do ostrva  ,posle nekoliko sati sva isrpljena..pronadje jezerce sa toplom vodom u koje udje da se ugreje.
Posle izvesnog vremena primeti senku muškarca koji je došao  da zahvati vodu sa obližnjeg izvora. 

U tom trenutku Hinemoa upita imitirajući muški glas ,za koga je ta voda

.'Ja sam Tutankeiov sluga i voda je za mog gospodara ..stiže odgovor
Hinemoino srce se ispunilo radošću da je tako blizu kuće svoga dragana.Ustane i razbije vrč sa vodom
Sluga otrči kući da ispriča šta se desilo na izvoru ali Tutankei je bio u tužnim mislima i nije mnogo na to obraćao pažnju.
 Sluga se vrati i ponovo napuni vrč i Hinemoa ga ponovo razbije.Ovo se ponavljalo nekoliko puta ,sve dok Tutankei ne odluči da ode da vidi  i ubije spodobu koja je uvredila njegovog slugu.
Kad je stigao do jezerceta upita ko se tu krije
-Tutankei ja sam to Hinemoa..začuje . Sav u neverici ali presretan zagrli Hinemou i dovede je kući odlučan da ih niko više neće rastaviti.
Sledeceg  jutra Hinemoin otac pošalje slugu na ostrvo da vrati Hinemou ali ljubavni par je bio tako čvrsto zagrljen i odlučan da se ne odvoji da se on vrati neobavljenog posla.
Hanemoino pleme se pomiri sa tim  i oni su živeli sretno sve dok ih smrt nije rastavila.Ovo ipak nije bajka već istinita priča, a ljubav Hinemoe i Tutankei jedna od najlepših i največih ljubavi sačuvanih u Maorskim predanjima.

I dan danas je ostrvo Mokoi omiljeno mesto gde se održavaju venčanja i svira se obavezno njihova pesma

Pakarekare  Ana

True Love Story 

Hinemoa was a Chieftainess of a tribe, who lived in a village of Owhata, located by the shores of lake Rotorua. On lake Rotorua there is the Island of Mokoia, four kilometers across the water from Owhata. On this Island there lived another well born but unfortunately illegitimate young man named Tutanekai. The tribes of the two young lovers would sometimes visit together for special occasions, so it was during these times that Hinemoa and Tutanekai would come to know one another and fall in love with each other. The love of Hinemoa and Tutanekai would grow stronger and stronger with each passing day, and there were times in the evening when Tutanekai would declare his love for Hinemoa from the Island of Mokoia. Tutanekai would sit on the verandah of his house, which was on a hillside overlooking the Lake, and he would play his flute. A gentle breeze in the evening would carry the sounds that Tutanekai played drifting across the waters of lake Rotorua. Hinemoa as she stood on the shores of the lake would listen intently, embracing the music from Tutanekai as he declared his love for her. 

However as often as it happens in life Hinemoa's relatives suspected that she had fallen in love with Tutanekai and although he was considered a nice young man, it was not the wishes of the tribe that the two should unite together in marriage. Every night they would ensure that all the canoes were beached up so that Hinemoa would not be able to pull the canoe into the water and make her way across the lake to be with her lover Tutanekai. 

One evening as Hinemoa stood on the shores of the lake with her heart so heavy and eyes full of tears, listening to the melody of Tutanekai's flute, she felt she could bear it no longer. She lashed together six gourds in order to keep her afloat and waded herself out into the lake, being guided along by the music of Tutanekai, she swam the long journey to Mokoia Island. When she finally reached the island after hours of exhaustion, she came across a hot pool and entered it. She was trembling with cold from the journey but her heart was full of joy. 

Sometime later Hinemoa could hear footsteps coming and she saw what appeared to be the shadow of a man filling a cala bash with water from a cold spring next to the hot pool. At that moment Hinemoa imitated the sound of a mans voice and called out loudly “Who is that for”. “I am the servant of Tutanekai. This water is for my master”, came the reply. Hinemoa's heart was glad knowing that she was so close to Tutanekai's home. She then seized the calabash from the servant and broke it on the rocks. The servant then raced back to his master Tutanekai and reported to him the strange incident that occurred at the hot pool, but Tutanekai was too tired and heart broken to do anything. 

The servant once again returned to fill the calabash with water and again Hinemoa seized the water calabash and broke it on the rocks. This would happen time and time again until Tutanekai finally decided to do something about the matter himself. Taking hold of his club he quickly hurried down to the pool to kill this stranger that had insulted him. Calling out for the intruder to identify himself, Tutanekai quickly made his way around the hot pool reaching around the edges, until finally he grabbed the arm of the adversary pulling him out of the water into the moonlight. 

“Tutanekai” she whispered, “It is I Hinemoa” 

Tutanekai surprised as he was, stood and stared at her in the moonlight, they then embraced each other as the two young lovers made their way back to Tutanekai's house. No longer would they be separated from each other again. 

The next morning as the two lovers slept in late, Tutanekai's father sent his servant off to wake him, it was then reported by the servant that as he approached the door of Tutanekai's house, as he looked into the room he could see that there two pairs of feet and not one lying in Tutanekai's bed. 

After that Hinemoa and Tutanekai emerged together embracing one another, from that moment on their union and love for one another was accepted by their relatives and tribes. 

This True love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai is considered to be the greatest love story that is recorded in Maori History, the descendants of these two young lovers still play out this famous legend today in the city of Rotorua, serenading wedding couples with their world famous love song “ Pokarekare ana” the greatest love song in the History of the Maori People. 

субота, 20. август 2011.

Fejs.Skajp,Tviter..i ostale Raje Baje i Paje../Facebook,Skype,Twitter and the rest Of Donald Duck's Family

Fejs.Skajp,Tviter..i ostale Raje Baje i Paje

Evo ga blog naše književnice Jelice.Nikad nije postavila kraći sa tako malo teksta ali mislim da će oni koji se služe svim ovim pomagalima u životu ako ništa drugo nasmejati(nadam se neće prepoznati u svemu ovome).Odma da iskoristim da i preporucim knjigu Jelice Greganović:
"2010. godine, izdavačka kuća "Alnari" izdala je moju treću knjigu, zbirku humorističkih priča "Od reči do reči", neponovljivog podnaslova "Ili kako sam postala gusarska carica, strah i trepet južnih mora".

Nikada još nisam okačila video klip bez prateće priče. Pravim presedan filmom o FB bontonu, dodajući mu samo ovo malo reči. Što se mene tiče: ODLIČNO! Zajedno sa ostatkom kampanje koja mi se silno dopala. Povratak u budućnost ili kako tokom samo 60 godina može da se promeni društvo i svet:

Back to the Future.
This post is from a Guest author Jelica .serbian writer.She never posted a shorter one and with so little text but this is definitely worthwhile looking at.Hope you are not affected with anything simialr:)

четвртак, 18. август 2011.

Podsetnik..neke osnovne stvari Remembering the basics

Dakle ovih dana sam pravila nekoliko svari ,koje bih da podelim sa vama.Vrlo jednostavne.Došla sam na ideju da bi nekima moglo biti interesantno ,jer uvek polazimo od toga da svi znamo sve ali videh pre neki dan na jednom blogu uputstva kako se spremaju jela od jaja i zahvalne komentare.Ovo nije baš tako ali slično.Bar da se podsetimo ako ništa drugo.


Prezle su dobar prijatelj sa  šniclama,ribom,hamburgerima i drugim djakonijama.Ako sami mesite hleb,kao što ja radim,onda je ovo dobar način da ono što ste napravili dodatno iskoristite.

Predgrejte rernu na 180 stepeni Celzija.Uzmite polovinu vekne bajatog (takav je najbolji za ovo)hleba,Isecite ga na velike kocke i sameljite u blenderu dok dobijete mrve. Pospite ih po plehu ravnomerno 1 do 2 mm debljine.
Pecite u rerni oko 5 minuta,pazeći na njih.Kada su gotove ,isključite rernu i ostavite ih u njoj jos 5 do 10 minuta.
Vratite ih u blender i meljite dok ne dobijete fine mrvice.,rumene .

Ja ih zatim stavim u posudu koja se dobro može zatvoriti i meni traju jednu do dve nedellje.Znam da kupovne traju zauvek ali ove domaće su bez ikakvih dodataka.
Kad ih upotrebljavate ja često jos i dodam sveže začine.

Today I would like to share some simple  things I made this week.We all assume that we know the basics in the kitchen.However I came across the blog which was describing how to prepare the eggs and comments were full of thank you readers.If you know it is ok to be reminded.

Breadcrumbs are great friends with schnitzel, fish, sweet-n-sour pork, hamburger patties, and plenty else. If you are baking your own bread (like I do) then this is a good way to get a bit of extra use out of your creations.

Start by preheating the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Grab half a loaf of homemade wholemeal bread - if the bread is a little bit stale, that's best. Chop it up into chunks, then throw into the blender on high until it's a pile of coarse crumbs.
Spread the breadcrumbs out on a baking tray, about 1-2cm deep. Put them into the oven for about 5 mins, keeping a careful eye on them and stirring once. Turn the oven off, and leave the crumbs in the warm oven for a further 5-10 mins.

Put the crumbs into the blender and blend on high-speed again - this time they will come out very fine, and a lovely golden colour. Yum.


I'm not yet sure how long these will last - I'm storing them in an airtight plastic container at room temperature - I'm expecting them to last at least 1-2 weeks but it could be a lot longer or shorter. The commercial ones seem to last forever, but then we aren't adding all the preservative and other crap that goes into those.

Sos od kikirikija
Ja ovo spremam sa svega 3 sastojka

1/4  šolje grubo mlevene paste od kikirikija 
1 konzerva mleka ili krema od kokosa
pola crnog luka sitno iseckanog

Počnite sa dinstanjem luka .Dodajte kikiriki pastu i promešajte još minut na vatri.Sad polako dodajte kokosovo mleko i konstantno mešajte.Sos će se zgusnuti i za nekoliko minuta biće gotov.
Ja ovo koristim da pravam sateh ,pileće komade na štapiću, koje zatim stavim ispod grila.

Satay sauce - 3 ingredients

  • 1/4 cup of crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 tin of coconut milk / cream
  • 1/2 an onion, chopped very fine

Start by sauteeing the onions on a non-stick pan. I try to avoid adding additional oil as the peanut butter has plenty of oil. Add the peanut butter and coat the onions for a minute or so.

Then, slowly add the coconut milk to the pan, stirring constantly. The sauce will thicken up, and after a few minutes you are all done.


понедељак, 15. август 2011.

I Pobednici su..(Bubanj) And the winner is( drums)..

Samo kao prvo da kažem. Ako se nekome  učini da sam poranila..nisam .Kod mene je danas ponedeljak 15 Avgust i znači uključila sam Randomizer i on je za pobednike odredio sledeće učesnike

Broj 3 Tamara sa bloga What's for desert
Ona je sama napravila izbor poželevši knjigu Marte Stjuart

Čestitam Tamari

Tako da drugoj  pobednici br.18  u Švajcasrkoj  Alice im kulinarischen Wunderland.ide  Nigela.
Čestitam i njoj

First I want to say: No I am not too early it is now here Monday the 15th of August,so I used Randomzier to determine two winners of my giveaway.And it did

Number 3..Tamara from What's for desert ..Martha Stewart Book
and nr 18 Alice im kulinarschen Wunderland...Nigela Lawson's book

Congratulation to both winners and please contact me by mail (it is on my blog) so I can send you your price.It was lots of fun for me.
Thank  you also all others that visit my blog and who took part in this give away.

Za sve učesnike preuzmite ovu malu pažnju
For all other  that participated please take this thank you

петак, 12. август 2011.

Kajsije sa Nila.. Appricots on the Nile


*** Scroll down for English text

Ma ne, nisam odputovala u Egipat, nego ovo je naslov knjige koju sam pronašla u mojoj Misteriji Kutiji.Mislim da sam jednom ranije pisala ,kako obično u nekoj antikvarnici knjiga kupim punu kutiju knjiga, onako daj šta daš cena ,nemajuci pojma šta je u njoj .Ali nikad se do sad nisam razočarala uvek je tu bilo ponešto za mene.Interesantnih inskripcija ,ako su knjige bile poklonjene,a po neki put i pravo malo bogatstvo..kao npr.knjiga o našem slikaru, Stjepanu Vukmanoviću koga su još zvali  Utrilo von Schwabing   ,koju sam poklonila dalje, a koja vredi malo bogatstvo.
E u takvoj kutiji sam našla i ovu knjigu sa  naslovom u blogu.I gle moje neizmerne sreće..knjiga nije samo autobiografija pisca ,vrlo vrlo interesantna i odvija se, se izmedju Pariza i Kaira i naravno kuhinja u oba grada.
Sad moram da se obuzdam da ne počnem da je prepričam od početka do kraja.Puna je interesatnih recepata, posete pijacama,interesantnih kuvara koji su prolazili kroz obe kuće i naravno emocija, jer opisuje sve od detinjstva pa do kasne starosti pisca.
Neke od jela već znam, a na neke me je podsetila da nisam odavno pravila, a neke ću tek još da učim da pravim, pa ću vam javiti.A da, pisac je:
Colette Rossant

A recept je:
Srž sa karamelizovanim crvenim lukom

 Operi 6 govedjih kostiju u hladnoj vodi.Moj mesar je meni ovo lepo isekao.Stavi u lonac 2 litre bistre supe.Dodaj ovome jedan crni luk,isecenu šargarepu i nekoliko komada celera.Ovo kuvaj na niskoj vatri 15 minuta.Dodaj koske i kuvaj jos 20 minuta..
Onda ih izvadi i stavi u tepsiju i peci u predgrejanoj rerni  na 200 stepeni Celzija oko 15 minuta..
Služi sa grubom morskom solju i karamelizovanim crvenim lukom.

Karamelizuj crveni luk,tako što čes ga iseći na tanke kriške i dinstati na puteru .Potrebno je oko 6 glavica srednje veličine.Ja dodam malo šečera i malo crvenog vina,so i biber.Gotovi su za oko 30 minuta.S vremena na vreme mešaj.

Oh no,I didnćt travel to Egypt.This is the title of the book from my Mistery box.
I wrote about this box some time ago.How I buy it in Antique bookshop.Box is, pay as you can price and it is always very exiting what you can find there.Inscription to people if those were gifts,books of interest to ,me ,books of interest(so my gifts) to  my friends and family.
Once I found really rare book about our artist ,painter Stjepan Vukmanovic who lived in Munich and was known as Utrillo von Schwabing.Real treasure and evry expansive .I gifted it to an artist in Belgrade,friend of mine.
So, this time it was the book from Colette Rossant.She is describing her life from  childhood till older days, which took place between Cairo and Paris.I will contain myself not to start writing the whole text from the book.
Of course the kitchen of both places are central ,surrounded by the cooks that worked in them,visits to the markets and some fantastic dishes with recpies.
Some of them I know,some of them she reminded me to make and some of them are totally new, so a challenge.Will let you know how that goes.
I have chosen a simply but o so tasty recepie .If you dare to try you won't regret.

Marrowbones with caramelized red onion

Wash 6 marrowbones(my butcher cut them for me) in running cold water.
Put a pan with 2 l of clear stock with pieces of 2 carrots ,some celery sticks and whole onion, to simmer for 15 minutes.Add marrowbones and simmer further 20 minutes.Take them out wit a slot spoon and put them with a little oil  in baking dish.Bake  in preheated oven 200 degrees Celzius for about 15 minutes.
Serve on bread with caramelized onion salt and pepper.
Caramelized red onion.You will need 6 pieces of finely sliced red onion,some red wine,some brown sugar and knob of buter.Simmer this for about  30 minutes.Stir occasionally to  prevent sticking.

уторак, 9. август 2011.

Pre isteka roka..Before expiring date

One koji nisu bili tu da podsetim i nove da pozovem na nagradnu igru .Ima još nedelju dana vremena da se prijavite ovde za dva lepa kuvara.Traje do 15 avgusta.Ucestvovati je jednostavno i svi su dobrodosli

For the ones that haven't seen it and for the new ones that came after start just a reminder.There is still time to take part in my give away of two fantastic cookbooks. Closing date 15th August.It is easy and everyone is welcome.
Just click here:

понедељак, 8. август 2011.

*** Scroll down for English text

Tako,vikend je prošao i uopšte ne osećam krivicu da sam se eto jednog vikenda kao što sam i planirala..odmorila.
Malko sam ponešto i jela ali lako i brzo za spremanje kao ova salata od kus kusa.

Ako se i vama otvorio apetit onda je ova salata idealna, jer se može prilagoditi onome što je momentalno u frižideru.
ovo je takodje idealno da se odnese na parti ili barbakju


  • 1 - 3 velika rukohvata peršuna
  • 1 šolja kus kusa
  • 1 kašika putera
  • 6 zrelih paradajza
  • 1-2 crvena luka
  • 2-6 češnjaka belog luka
  • Sok od dva linuma
  • Oko 1/4 šolje extra maslinovog ulja
  • So i biber
  • Grilovane semenke npr pinjale


Pripremi kus kus po uputstvu na pakovanju.Obično je to dodavanje ili bistre supee ili vruće vode pa se ostavi poklopljeno da stoji 20tak minuta.Ne stavljajte ostale sastojke u kus kus dok se ne ohladi.Začini kus kus sa biberom i solju.

Grilajte pinjale oko 10 minuta u rerni.

Ova salata dobija na ukusu kada se svi dodatci iseckaju sitno.Tako da fino iseckajte,paradajz, luk crveni i beli i peršun
Sve ovo promešajte dodajući sok od limuna i maslinovo ulje.

Mogu  vam reći da se ova salata odlično ordrži u frižideru 3do 4 dana ,mada kod mene nema šanse da tako dugo opstane.
Pravila sam naravno još nešto i kad su ovakvi lenji dani ,onda biram nešto brzo ali naravno i ono što volim da jedem.Kao npr pečurke.

Pečurke u kafanskom stilu.


  • Pakovanje velikih portobelo pečuraka.Neko mi skoro reče da ih zovu livadnjače zato što rastu u livadi
  • Oko 6 malih braon ili belih šampinjona
  • 3 češnjaka belog luka
  • Malo belog vinskog sirćeta
  • Maslinovo ulje i dobar komad putera
  • Svež timijan
  • Rendan svež parmezan
  • 1/2 šolje šlaga
  • Malo belog vina
  • Tost od domaćeg hleba je naravno najbolji
  • Tajni sastojak

    Tajni sastojak ovog jela je upotreba šampinjona kao osnove.To je baza u sosu i dovoljno zgusne sos.Bez njih vino i šlag ne bi imali za šta da se zalepe i sve bi nekako bilo nehomogeno

  • Počnite tako što ćete sitno iseckati nekoliko šampinjonaDodajte ovo u vruć tiganj u koji ste stavili maslinovo ulje,puter 3 česnjaka belog luka i malo svežeg timijana.Sada dodajte i malo belog vinskog sirćeta..

    Posle oko 30 sekundi dodajte portobelo pečurke ili livadnjače.Ja lakše radim sa njima ako ih isečem na pola ili u četvrtine.


    Dodajte sos

    Sos je vrlo jednostavan sa šlagom i malo belog vina.Pomešano sa satojcima koji su već u tiganju ovo će biti vrlo ukusno.Možete dodati polovinu od količine izrendanog parmezana.Sve ovo će zgusnuti sos.Ostatak sira  sačuvajte da pospete kad je sve gotovo.Dodaj polako vinoi mešaj oko 3 minuta dok si zadovoljan sa gustinom.
  •       Serviraj na svežem domaćem tostu
  •  A jele su se i veće količine domaćeg sladoleda Hokey Pokey

So I finally managed to spend a weekend once as I planned..doing nothing and do not feel guilty at all.I rested well and ate in between but only easy to prepare  like this couscous salad.
Fancy a yummy couscous salad that can be adapted easily depending on wat you have in the fridge?Great for barbeques and parties, this is something that you can take along anytime. 


The quantities are flexible. Feel free to experiment.
  • 1 - 3 large bunches of parsley (flat or plain)
  • 1 cup couscous
  • 1 Tablespoon of butter (optional, stir into the couscous)
  • 6 ripe tomatoes
  • 1-2 red onions
  • 2-6 cloves garlic
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • Approx 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Optional - roast nuts or seeds

  • Cooking
Start by cooking the couscous according to pack directions and leave to cool. Season the couscous with salt and pepper. Don't mix the salad ingredients into the couscous until it has cooled, otherwise it will wilt the parsley.

If you are using them, roast the nuts/seeds in the oven with a little oil for about 10 minutes. Pine nuts and cashews work particularly well, but pumpkin and sunflower seeds are a cheaper way to go.

This salad comes out extra-special when the ingredients are super-finely chopped. Make sure you have a sharp knife for this. Finely chop the tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsley.

Mix everything together and add stir through the olive oil and lemon juice. Add the lemon juice slowly and taste as you go, just to make sure it isn't too acidic or bitter.


This salad refrigerates well - 3 to 4 days although at my place it never lasts that long.
Of course I prepared more things.When I have lazy days ,I opt for things that don't ask for lot of time but that I like to eat.Like this
I call this recipe "Cafe-style creamy mushrooms" because they are every bit as good as what you get when you go out for breakfast on a Sunday. The cafes seem to be able to cook their mushrooms perfectly - just the right amount of Garlic and herbs, while the creamy sauce isn't too runny and not all thick and chunky either. Mmmmmmm.

This recipe does a pretty good job of capturing the flavor, making for a great Sunday breakfast.

We use portobello or field mushrooms for the main event, and then a number of button mushrooms (if you have them) for making the sauce - I like to keep the big mushrooms nice and big, it seems a waste to chop them up small.


  • A bag of large mushrooms
  • About 6 button mushrooms, brown or white
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • A dash of white wine vinegar
  • Olive oil + a good knob of butter
  • Fresh thyme
  • Grated fresh parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 a cup of cream
  • A splash of white wine (optional)
  • Toast - fresh and homemade is best

The quantities here are all very approximate. There is no magic formula to work with, and the key to making this a success is to add the liquid slowly so it doesn't end up too runny.

The secret ingredient

The secret ingredient to this dish is to use chopped up button mushrooms as the base. This forms the base of the sauce, and thickens the sauce enough that it works nicely. Without this, the wine and cream has nothing to stick to, and the whole dish seems to fall apart.

Take a few button mushrooms and chop them finely. Add to a hot pan with olive oil, butter, 3 cloves of chopped garlic and some fresh thyme. At this stage, add a splash of white wine vinegar.

After about 30 seconds, add the portobello or field mushrooms to the pan. I find them easier to work with when chopped into halves or quarters.

Adding the sauce

The sauce is simply fresh cream and a little white wine, it will mix with the ingredients already in the pan and taste delicious. You can add half of your parmesan cheese as you add the cream, and this thickens the sauce and adds to the flavor. Reserve the rest of the cheese for sprinkling over the final product.

Add the wine very sparingly, and add the cream a little at a time, stirring constantly. Continue adding cream and stirring slowly over about 3 minutes, until you are happy with the consistency.

Serve on fresh toast and enjoy - I like a thick homemade multigrain toast.
There was shameless amounts of Home made Hokey Pokey Icecream

петак, 5. август 2011.

Nije Riba..danas..Fish n ' chips ..not today

***Scroll down for English text

Dolmades..Grci ih tako zovu.Ova reč vodi poreklo od Turske reči dolma , što znači nešto punjeno
Da obično petkom jedemo ribu ali ne ovog petka. Danas ne.Dobila sam od jedne prijateljice  Grkinje list od  vinove loze,i naravno pravićemo sarmice u zelju.Obožavam ih baš ovako kako su ispale sa barenim krompirom i bistrim sosom i naravno dodamo i jogurt.
Recept je prilično jednostavan ali pre nego što predjem na njega d avam ispričam nečto o Novozelandskom groždju i kako je počela njihova sad industrija prerade vina.
kada su naši)većinom Dalmatinci ako ne računamo onog prvog iseljenika koji je bio Crnogorac= stigli na Novi Zeland ovde je pivo bilo glavni i jednini napitak.Dalmatinci su ond azasadili oko kuće vinovu lozu i pripremali svoej privatno vino.Englezi bi na to vrteli glavom ali eto godinama zahvaljujući upornosti pojedinaca i zaista pogodnoj klimi vinogradarstvo pa sa njim i vinarije su iskakale kao pečurke i kao što napisah  postalo industrija.Novozelandsko vino je vrlo cenjeno u svetu i izvoze se velike količine. Naravno vlasnici nekoliko najboljih vinarija su Dalmatinci  kao npr Mate Brajkovich

Uglavnom nikad nema problema za list vinove loze.

Sastojci15 listova vinove loze
kora od jednog limuna
sok od dva limuna
dva iseckana crna luka
1 šolja belog pirinča
1 šolja belog vina
pola šolje maslinovog ulja
so i biber
nekoliko kašicica suve i malo sveže nane
pola rukohvata sveže mirodjije.


Samo da napomenem da je moj list bio već gotov za pripremu, a vi ako spremate od svežeg prvo ga blanširajte u vreloj vodi nekoliko minuta i posle toga ostavite da se osuši.
' Sipajte malo maslinovog ulja u tiganj i propržie luk dok dobije lepu braon boju.Onda dodajte pirinač i vino i mešajte.Dodajte svežu i sušenu nanu.mirodjiju so i biber i dobro sve promešajte.Na kraju oddajte limunovu koru i sok od limuna.Vaša smesa za punjenje je gotova.

Sada manju količinu stavite u sredinu vinovog lista i smotajte.

Redjate u ovalnu šerpu.Sipajte na to vodu dok sarmice budu pokrivene.Stavite dubok tanjir okrenut naopako tako da služi kao poklopac i na srednjoj vatri ne otvarajući više, kuvajte pola sata. Jedino možete proveriti da ima dovoljno vode, jer bi sarmice trebalo da budu pod vodom za čitavo vreme kuvanja.

Kada su gotove izvadite iz vode, dodajte malo maslinovog ulja,soli i limunovog soka ostavite da se malo odmore i servirajte sa ili bez barenog krompira ,sosa i jogurta.
Sos pravim na veliko pa ga smrznem.Pravim ga tako sto pečem u rerni govedje ili pileće kosti sa buketom povrća i raznim začinima dodajući vodu.Ne solim .Kasnje propasiram da dobijem ovako bistar sos , koji takodje može služiti kao baza za komplikovanije i gusće sosove.


Yes, normally we would make fish on Friday, but not today.I have got wine leafs from my Greek friend and we are going to make dolamades.Before I go on with it and it is very simple, I have to tell you a story about how wine making and grapes came about in New Zealand
When the first immigrants came here form my homecountry(than stiill called Yugoslavia) most of them came from Dalmatia, coast strip along Adriatic Sea.At this occassion I am disregarding that the very, very first immigrant from that country was Montenegrian.
So,when Dalmatians arrived here, there was beer ,which was not their cup of tea.They were used to wine drinking.They started planting vines around their house and eventually brewing their own wines.Kiwis woould nod their heads.But they persisted and today grapevines are widely grown and wine has become industry.Some of the owners and bigs producers are Dalmatians.New Zealand wine is exported in big quantities and quality is wel respected in the world.

 The Greek word for this wrap is dolmadaki  and derives from Turkish word dolma which means stufffed or filled

15 vine leaves
zest of 1 lemon
juice of 2 lemons
large onions, chopped
1 cup white rice
1 cup white wine
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp. sea ​​salt
1 tsp. sweet pepper
2 tablespoons dried mint
few leaves of fresh mint, chopped
½ bunch dill, chopped


  • Pour a little olive oil in a pan and add the onion, stirring until browned. Add rice, stir and add the white wine. Add the mint (dried and fresh) and dill, not forgetting to stir. Add, finally, lemon zestsalt and pepper and stir. The filling is ready.
  • Stuff the grape leaves with the mixture (by putting a small amount of filling in the center of the “internal side of each vine leaf), wrap them and place them carefully in awide circular pan.
  • Then add water until dolmadakia are covered. Put a plate, upside down to cover and not to open and le them boil in medium heat for half an hour. During cooking add hot water if necessary, dolmadakia must be covered with water all the time.
  • Then withdraw the saucepan from the heat and remove the plate. Add a little olive oilsalt, the lemon juice and gently shake the pan circularly. Allow the dolmades to rest and serve.With boiled potatoes as I did and clear jus.This clear sauce I mostly make in big qunatity and freeze it to make sauces as I go.It is not difficult at all.I bake in oven soup vegetables,herbs (bouget garni) ,beef or chicken bones and water.I do not add salt.After its doen I will strain and get above jus.
  • We at our place, also like to add some yoghurt to this dish.

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